Chapter 20 - Broken

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Kylo POV

As always, you wake early. The room is still bathed in darkness, but you can just make out the shape of Y/N lying next to you. Her face is relaxed and peaceful as she sleeps, and the way her dark hair is spread over the pillow reminds you of a pre-raphaelite painting.

You watch her for a while, the slow rise and fall of her chest with every breath, the slight flickering of her eyes as she dreams. You wonder if she’s dreaming of you.

By 7am, the morning light is just starting to make an appearance through the curtains. You silently slide out of the bed, trying not to wake Y/N. She doesn’t stir.

From the bottom drawer of the cabinet, you pull out a white robe and leave it at the end of the bed for her. Then, you head to your bedroom.

You throw on a t-shirt and a pair of joggers, before grabbing a packet of cigarettes and lighter from your bedside table. You walk out through the lounge and onto the balcony, immediately lighting one up and inhaling deeply.

The sudden rush of nicotine entering your bloodstream instantly relaxes you. You take another long drag as you stare down at the sleepy town. Everything seems so peaceful at this time; the roads quiet and houses dark as the inhabitants enjoy their Saturday morning lie in.

Last night had gone even better than planned. You had been anxious about showing this side of yourself to Y/N. Now it seems your concerns were unwarranted. She had been perfect. And you are completely infatuated.

Your phone vibrates loudly in your pocket, bringing you sharply back to reality. It’s Riley.

We need to talk. ASAP.

Your fantastic mood is abruptly ruined. Riley’s timing really was impeccable. Whatever she wanted to talk about, it could wait. There is only one person who deserves your attention right now. And it certainly isn't her.

You switch your phone off, extinguish your cigarette and head back inside. As you peek your head around the bedroom door, Y/N is still sound asleep.

You go to the kitchen and put a pot of coffee on. You didn't tend to eat first thing in the morning, but caffeine was a necessity you couldn't live without.
Y/N however, would be hungry when she eventually woke, so you decide to rustle up some breakfast.

Without sounding big headed, you knew your way around a kitchen. Riley always said that being able to cook was one of your most attractive features. That it was a rare quality to find in a man these days. You lay out bacon under the grill and throw some eggs, flour and milk into a large bowl.

From behind you, someone gives a small cough. Y/N has appeared. She grins shyly at you and yawns, rubbing her eye sleepily.

She looks younger in the morning, more like her age. Her hair is out of place and messy, one side of her face slightly pink from resting on the pillow. She has wrapped herself up in the robe you left out and it swallows up her tiny frame, making her seem even more petite than usual.

'Ah you're awake. Hungry?'
'Starving,' she replies, her eyes darting to the stove.
'I'm not surprised after your performance last night,' you tease and wink at her, causing her cheeks to turn a dark shade of scarlet. 'Have a seat, it won't be long.'

She walks slowly around the counter and perches on one of the stools. You can feel her eyes on you, watching you as you cook.

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