Chapter 16 - No Going Back

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Kylo POV

Despite Principal McGowan's obvious displeasure at your actions and the fate that awaited you in her office, you are still keen to get to work on Monday morning. Losing your job is the least of your concerns. You just want to make sure Y/N is ok.

Half of the school had witnessed the events of the homecoming dance, so you are not surprised that once again, yours is the name on everyone’s lips. You do your best to ignore the murmurs and whispers as you walk with pace down the corridors. You have no time for childish gossip, nor did you care in the slightest what people thought of you.

You have come to the conclusion that despite your best efforts, the yearning you feel towards Y/N cannot be extinguished. If anything, it has simply grown over time. Witnessing what happened to her has only cemented your true feelings.

Now you are left with a dilemma. Do your best to ignore it and carry on with your life, forever feeling unsatisfied and miserable. Or...was there really another option?

You push the thoughts to the back of your mind, as you arrive at the door of Principal McGowan's office. You knock once before entering. Dylan Johnson is already seated on one of the chairs opposite the Principal, staring down at his lap. You instantly feel the anger bubble up inside you again, but you force yourself to give a polite smile and sit down in the remaining empty chair.

Principal McGowan returns your smile before turning to Dylan.
'So Dylan, would you like to explain what happened on Saturday night?'

'There's nothing to explain, Principal McGowan. He spiked Y/N. She told me it was him who gave her the whiskey,' you interject.

'Well, Dylan?'

'Look, it's true; I did give her a bit of whiskey. But I swear, I didn't know what was in it.'
Principal McGowan shoots you a warning look. 'Enough, Mr Ren. Go on, Dylan.'

'The hip flask; it...wasn't mine. Jake Reynolds gave it to me, it was never meant for Y/N.
I would never have offered it to her if I'd known what was in it.'
'I see.'
‘I know what a bad time she’s had. I saw what happened last time when she...when she…' He doesn't seem to be able to finish that sentence. 'I would never have done anything to hurt her, I swear.’

Principal McGowan studies Dylan. Was she really going to believe this shit?
'If what you've said is true, it does change things Dylan. I’ll need to verify what you’ve told me of course, and you were still in possession of alcohol on school property and are underage. You'll therefore be excluded for the remainder of the week.'

What? Excluded for a week, was that it? ‘Principal McGowan, I really think-’
‘It doesn’t matter what you think, Mr Ren,’ she snaps at you. ‘You made your feelings very clear on Saturday night. I’m the Principal and the decision lies with myself only. Dylan, you may go. I need to speak with Mr Ren privately.’

He stands, sheepishly staring at the floor as he backs out of the room. You are furious. That piece of shit has basically got away scot free. You swallow down your anger. Now was not the time.

'Y/N came to see me this morning, Mr Ren. Practically begged me to let you stay. You've certainly made an impression on her.'
You don't know the half of it.

'She told me that you took her home, made sure she was alright after she'd been spiked.'
'Anyone would've done the same.'
'And you've been giving her extra help, I believe?'
'Yes. It was clear to me that she needed a helping hand this year, after all that she's been through.'
'Well, that's very good of you, Mr Ren. But it doesn't excuse the way you reacted and how you treated Dylan. You can't become physical with students like that.'

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