Chapter 18 - Good Girl

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Kylo POV

Friday evening couldn't come quickly enough. Your temporary suspension has left you with a lot of unwanted time on your hands, and though you hated to admit it; you were bored.

You liked the routine, structure and sense of purpose your job gave you. Without it, you feel uncomfortably on edge. Like you are losing control.

By the time your weekly session with Christine rolls around, you are glad to get out of the apartment and have a distraction from your thoughts.

Living inside your own head was one of your more annoying habits and left to your own devices, you found yourself over thinking and over analysing everything. It was exhausting.

Your enthusiasm quickly disappears however, when Christine greets you with a look of complete disappointment. The kind of look a parent gives their child when they are about to chastise them.

'Is there anything you'd like to tell me, Kylo?' she asks as you sit down opposite her.
'Nope. Don't think so. Nothing of importance, anyway,' you shrug casually.

Christine raises her eyebrow at you, seeing straight through the air of nonchalance you were trying to project. ‘There was an incident at work last week, was there not?'

So she knew. Shit. 
‘Ah. Principal McGowan contacted you, I presume?’
‘She did, yes. Shall we talk about it?’
'Do I have a choice?'
‘You always have a choice, Kylo. But I think it’s important that we discuss it.’
You sigh. ‘I may have....overreacted.’
‘You threatened a student, is that correct?’
‘Things got a little out of hand, I suppose. It was a stupid mistake. One that won’t happen again. ’
‘And this threat was physical in nature?’

Christine looks far from impressed. She removes her glasses and places them down on the desk, sighing.

‘Kylo, I told you that I wouldn’t sign you off on these sessions unless I thought you’d made a vast improvement to yourself and your behaviour. From what I’ve seen so far, you’ve been making very little effort to change the way you act. Your anger is clearly not under control, and you still respond to stressful situations with violence.’

She has a point. Things had gone too far at the homecoming dance You couldn't afford to fuck up like this again.

'I'm going to recommend you have another six weeks of sessions, minimum. After that, I shall determine if you’ve made any significant progress.’
Fucking perfect.

You leave Christine’s office highly irritated and in a foul mood. Another six weeks of sessions to look forward to. You were practically back to square one.

You only have yourself to blame, Kylo, you tell yourself. Why can’t you just get a fucking hold on your temper?

You pull your phone out and type a message to Y/N, desperate for some form of distraction.

Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. Here's my address.

She replies almost instantly.
Me too. See you tomorrow.

A broad smile spreads across your face for the first time in days.

You spend the following morning preparing for Y/N’s arrival. You have set the bedroom up, the huge bed covered in soft, fresh sheets and your cabinet of toys fully stocked.

This isn't your bedroom, of course. It contained no personal items and certainly wasn't where you slept each night. The clear definition between the different aspects of your life was important to you. You didn't like things to become...blurred. There were some parts that you didn't want Y/N to know about.

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