Chapter 2 - First Impressions

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Kylo POV

A fresh start was exactly what you needed. A new school, a new town. Somewhere no one knew you. Somewhere you could start again. You were more than ready to leave the past few months behind you.

You gaze absent mindedly out of the window of your apartment, watching the rain hit the glass whilst you sip a coffee. It was a far cry from the home you once had, but it would do. For now.

You shower and then dress in a simple white button down shirt and dark suit pants, finished off with your usual leather belt. Understated, nothing extravagant; but classy.

You took pride in your appearance; always ensuring you were clean shaven, shoes freshly polished and fingernails short and clean. As your father used to remind you on a frequent basis; first impressions were everything.

You fasten your watch onto your wrist, give your hair one final brush through with a comb and throw on your usual worn leather jacket, before heading out the door.

Jumping into your car, you immediately wind the window down and light a cigarette. You tried to be as healthy as possible; limiting red meat, ensuring you worked out at least three times a week. But smoking was your one and only vice. Riley had always hated it; she thought it was unattractive and dirty. Guess that didn't matter anymore.

As you drive through the small town that was now your new home, you wonder what the day would bring.

Starting out at a new school was never easy; hundreds of pupils you were expected to learn the names of, trying to navigate around an unfamiliar campus, small talk with colleagues you didn’t know or care about. It was an inconvenience, especially for someone like you. You didn’t enjoy feeling like a novice. You liked to be in control.

You pull up to the school, parking your gray Mercedes in one of the designated staff bays. It was your pride and joy, and about the only thing you’d been able to hold on to during the divorce.

Your immediate impression of Aurora High School was...underwhelming. It was a generic looking building, with little character. Some might even say depressing. There was nothing special about it; it was simply bricks and concrete.

You head across the parking lot and into the main school reception, trying not to draw too much attention to yourself as groups of students began gathering outside.

As you enter, you are greeted by a plump, friendly looking woman behind the desk, who gives you a welcoming smile.
'Can I help you at all?'
'Hi, yes. I'm looking for Principal McGowan. I'm the new chemistry teacher.'
‘Of course, she’s been expecting you. Right this way.’

She leads you to the Principal's office and knocks lightly on the door, before pushing it open.

Sat behind the desk is a petite, red haired woman with freckled skin and bright blue eyes. She must be late 50s, early 60s maybe, but she was the sort of woman you could tell had been attractive in her youth.

‘Claire McGowan.’ She stands, offering you her hand.‘ Please, have a seat.’ She gestures to the empty chair opposite. ‘We really are so happy to have you, Mr Ren.’
‘The pleasure is all mine,’ you say with a smile. You notice her cheeks redden slightly in response.

‘So, first period you have your senior class. Now, I did want to have a chat with you about a rather...delicate matter. One of your seniors, Y/N, there was an...incident... over the summer break.’

Principal McGowan has piqued your interest. ‘Oh? What kind of incident?’ you ask, intrigued.
‘She overdosed. She told the police it was an accident, but..’
‘You think it was a suicide attempt?’
‘A cry for help at least. You see, her parents' marriage had just broke down. Her Mother had walked out without so much as leaving a note and her Father was in a bad way. I don’t think she could deal with it all.’
‘Right, I see.’

Perfect Chemistry (teacher Kylo Ren AU)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt