Chapter 6 - Dangerous Behaviour

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Kylo POV

You glance down at your watch. It’s 3.10. The school bell has gone, your last class of the day has finally disappeared, but still no sign of Y/N. Has she forgotten? Or did she simply have somewhere better to be? 

You flip your laptop open, trying to distract yourself. Your facebook page pops up on the screen, immediately exhibiting the lives of people you cared very little about.

Acquaintances, ex colleagues, old college friends you’d not seen for years. And Riley of course. It seemed there was no escaping her. She loved to pretend her life was perfect, purposely filtering out the shit show that you knew was going on behind the scenes.

What about Y/N? She must be here somewhere, high schoolers these days were obsessed with social media. You hover over the search bar and quickly type her name, but pause before pressing enter. Was this...ok? It was innocent enough, wasn't it? Stop overthinking it. You weren’t doing any harm. You click the search button.

 Her profile appears on your screen, filling it with an image of her and an older couple you assumed were her parents. It looks like they were on holiday and Y/N looks considerably younger. Must be an old photo. Happier times, you can't help but think.

Unable to stop yourself, you click on the header titled photos. No results. Her page must be completely private.  

Someone knocks on the classroom door. Shit. You quickly click the cross in the corner of your web browser, closing it down and hiding the evidence of your recent activity. 

‘Come in,’ you respond. Y/N pokes her head cautiously round the door, before slowly pushing it open and approaching your desk. You are pleasantly surprised to see her, having been convinced she wouldn’t turn up. 

'Ah, Y/N. I was starting to think you weren't going to show.'  Her cheeks turn crimson.
 'Sorry to keep you, Mr Ren. I've ah, got my paper for you.' 

She places her crumpled paper down in front of you.
'Great. Well, why don't you have a seat for a minute? I'll grade it for you now.' You gesture to the seat opposite your desk. Y/N hesitates, her eyes widening as if she had not been expecting your response.

'Oh. OK, sure. One minute, just need to message Armie.' She pulls a cell phone out of her bag and begins quickly typing.

Armie? Who the hell was Armie? That red haired boy she was with at lunch? Before you can stop yourself, your curiosity gets the better of you and you ask ‘Boyfriend?’

She laughs as if your question is completely ludicrous. 'What, Armie? Best friend yes, but definitely not boyfriend. More like a brother.' 

You give her a small smile, trying to remain composed, but inside you felt an overwhelming sense of relief. Why? Why did you care so much?

She was entitled to have a boyfriend, she was entitled to do whatever she wanted outside of school. What went on in her private life was her business and nothing to do with you. You are her teacher

You bring your attention back to her paper and begin reading through the answer to question one. It was wrong. Number two. Definitely wrong. Number three. Not even bothered to answer. The rest of her quiz followed a similar pattern. It was disappointing; you’d hoped for more. 

She’s watching you nervously, as if she knows what's coming next.
 'Can I ask you something? Did you actually try to answer the questions? Or did you just guess?'

Y/N looks sheepishly down at her lap, her face turning red and telling you all you needed to know. It was frustrating; you’d seen her grades from last year, you knew she was more than capable if she put the effort in. 

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