Chapter 15 - Perfect

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It seems news of your early departure from the Homecoming Dance and the subsequent altercation between Mr Ren and Dylan has travelled fast. By Monday morning, once again, you found yourself the hot gossip at Aurora High.

You try your best to ignore the whispers and comments behind your back as you make your way into school. But instead of going straight to home room like normal, you head to Principal McGowan's office. The thought of Mr Ren losing his job because of you was unbearable. If there was anything you could do, anything at all to help him, you wanted to do it.

You burst through the door of Principal McGowan's office without knocking or waiting for permission to enter. She looks up from her computer in surprise.

'Can I help you, Y/N?'
'Principal McGowan, you can't fire Mr Ren.'
She looks up at you over her glasses. 'I'm yet to get to the bottom of exactly what happened on Saturday night, but if there's something you'd like to share, please; enlighten me.'

'He...he was just looking out for me. After what happened, he took me home, made sure I was ok.'
‘And what exactly did happen?’
‘Dylan had a hip flask of whiskey. And stupidly, I thought it was a good idea to have some.’
‘I see.’
‘I’m the one to blame, not Mr Ren. Please don't punish him for this. He was only trying to help.'

'That's all very well Y/N, but the way he conducted himself was a far cry from how I expect teachers at this school to act. I won't tolerate violence of any kind, from anyone - teachers or students.'

'Please. Please, don't get rid of him. He's helping me. A lot. I fell behind after last year and he’s helping me catch up.’
'I appreciate what you're saying and I have no doubt in his teaching ability. But this isn’t something I can simply brush under the carpet.’

‘Please, I’m begging you.’ You can feel your eyes welling up. Principal McGowan gives you a pitying look.
‘That’s enough, Y/N. I'm sure you have a class to get to.'

It's no use. You knew she wouldn't budge. You had done all you could. Reluctantly, you leave the Principal's office and head to chemistry. The guilt you felt is eating you up inside and you only feel worse when you walk into Mr Ren's classroom and realise it is not him sitting behind his desk.

He wasn't there. He has been replaced by another member of the Chemistry faculty; Mrs Roberts. You realise there's no sign of Dylan either.

'Settle down. I'll be taking Mr Ren's class today.'
'Why where is he?' Jessica asks Mrs Roberts, who's eyes immediately widen. Jessica then turns to you, an innocent look on her face. 'Have you seen him,

Her act doesn't fool you. You were well aware that most people knew exactly what had happened at the dance.
'That's quite enough, Jessica. Everyone in your seats.'

Neither Mr Ren or Dylan make an appearance during class. Now you were really starting to worry.

At the end of the day, you head back to Mr Ren's classroom. Perhaps it was foolish, but you needed to know the outcome of his meeting with Principal McGowan. Would you really never see him again?

You knock lightly on the door, not even sure if anyone would respond. Relief washes over you when you hear Mr Ren's voice reply and invite you in.

As you peek your head around the door, he is sitting in his usual spot at his desk, a strained look on his face. When he realises it is you, his expression relaxes, ever so slightly.

'Y/N. I wasn't expecting to see you.'
'Don't worry, I’m not going to stay long. I just need to get something off my chest.'
'Please, go ahead.'

Perfect Chemistry (teacher Kylo Ren AU)Where stories live. Discover now