Chapter 11- Don't Test Me

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Somehow, unbelievably, your life has managed to become even more miserable. You spend the whole weekend locked in your room, shutting the world out. You were hurt and confused by Mr Ren's behaviour and all you wanted was to be left alone.

You keep replaying Friday evening in your head and try to make sense of everything that happened. The way he had kissed you. The way he had touched you. It was clear that he had enjoyed it. That he wanted you.

It was risky, of course; you understood that. But to cut you off completely? You couldn't bear it.

When your alarm goes off at 7am on Monday morning, you don't attempt to get up. You lie in bed, unable to move; the heavy weight of anxiety pinning you down. The thought of seeing him again so soon; it was too much. You couldn't face it.

And thanks to him, you now have another problem to contend with. The mark he has left on your neck has turned an ugly, purple-green colour and could be spotted a mile off. How on earth would you explain that to Armie? Or to anyone for that matter?

At 7.30, someone lightly taps on your bedroom door.
'Honey, you up? Isn't it time you got ready for school?'

For fucks sake. Today of all days, was the day your Dad decided to give a shit. Fan-fucking-tastic.

You don't reply, but pull your covers right over your head, not wanting to deal with him. Your bedroom door creaks slowly open, letting a slither of light in.

'Honey? What are you doing?'
You peek your head out over the top of your blanket. 'Nothing Dad, just overslept I guess.'

'Well, sweetheart, you need to get up. We can't have you missing any more school. I don't want you to fall behind.'

You feel a pang of guilt. Deep down, you know your Dad is right. Missing more school would only make your life more difficult. It had already been hard enough going back after so much time away.

And as for Mr Ren, you'd have to face him eventually. There was no escaping that.

Reluctantly, you rise from the bed. You throw some clothes on and run a comb through your hair. You dab concealer on to your neck in an attempt to hide the enormous dark mark left by Mr Ren's mouth.

It creates a browny orange splodge on your pale skin that frankly, looks ridiculous. Time for plan B.

You rummage through your closet and pull out a thick winter scarf. Judging by the bright sunlight streaming through your curtains, it was a pleasant and mild September day outside. Not exactly scarf weather, but what choice did you have. You had to hide it. No one could know. You wrap it around your neck.

A quick glance at the clock and you realise you have half an hour before first period starts. Chemistry. You couldn't be late. Not today.

You speed down the stairs and straight out the door without breakfast. You glance at your phone. Two messages and three missed calls from Armie. Shit. You open the first.

Where are you?

And then five minutes later:
Can't wait forever, going to school. Let me know you're OK.

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