Chapter 41 FINALE

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We did end up going to Lux for my birthday, even Jonah and Micah joined us. Jonah said something about not being able to miss my big birthday. I just let him do what he wants usually. Korrigan and Westley had the entire club sing me happy birthday, which was totally embarrassing, and they even brought out a huge five-layer cake. Like, those cakes you see in movies that could feed a small army. Yeah, Korrigan and Westley went all out for my birthday with all the birthday-themed decorations and popping confetti all over the place. I got to wear the special birthday sash and crown and I danced to a hip hopped remix of Happy Birthday. It was actually a pretty fun night and I didn't drink a single drop of alcohol so I could remember it properly and not embarrass myself.

I'm actually really glad that I decided to go out and celebrate for my birthday after all. My friends were ecstatic that they got to celebrate with me, but in a way, I think they just wanted an excuse to party one last time. I'll be seeing Will and Eliza around the Pack House but I'm not so sure about Thora. Thora got a scholarship to play Softball all the way at the University of Florida. She jumped on that train so fast my head spun. She's excited to leave cold and snowy Minnesota for hot and sunny Florida. I'm happy for her but I'll definitely miss her. And I know how it is, you say you'll keep in touch but then life gets in the way and you slowly drift apart. I don't want to drift apart from any of my friends so I'm going to try hard to stay in touch, especially with Thora who will be hundreds of miles away.

Will is adamant that he isn't going to college and will go straight into the workforce. He isn't sure what he'll do yet but he isn't too worried since he has a place to live with Jensen, for the moment at least, and his dad did set up a bank account and dumped a considerable amount of money into it for him. And Will saved up the money he sent over the years too, which was in the form of a fat check every month which Will then put into his personal bank account. And luckily, Will had an account that his mother couldn't access so she never saw the money inside it. Not that she needed the money since she is successful on her own, but she is a petty woman and would rather spend other people's money than her own. Will is pretty well off now and luckily he knows how to wisely spend and save his money. He put money away into accounts that will grow over time and left some for everyday things. I'm seriously thinking that he will be a millionaire by the time he hits thirty, just because of the money he set aside to grow. And Will is smart enough not to touch it too.

Eliza is undecided about college. She isn't sure what kind of job she wants to do so she is thinking about taking a gap year and hopefully discovering a path for herself. She isn't opposed to go to college she just doesn't want to go and spend all that time and money and then find the perfect job elsewhere other than her degree. Basically, she doesn't want a worthless degree and is going to wait until she's sure it's something she wants and is worthwhile.

And like I said, we'll see each other at the Pack House once in a while because Will and Eliza are both mated to werewolves in the same pack as Ambrose. I probably won't see them very often since I'm probably finding a place to rent close to the University, but I'll hopefully see them more after I graduate. It will be nice to see familiar faces at the Pack House and keep in contact with at least two friends. But to be honest, in the end, all I really need is Ambrose. It sounds kind of really mean but it's true. I know it deep down to the very core of my being that Ambrose is all I need in this life. I discussed it with Jonah and he said that's the mate bond talking. And since, apparently, we have a very strong mate bond I feel that way even stronger than other mates do. And Jonah said all I do need in life is Ambrose, but it's also important to have at least one or two friends.

But enough about all that, what's important is what's happening right this very moment. The time is 4:45 am and I currently lay sprawled naked on my bed with Ambrose between my legs. With his cock finally buried deep inside me as he has his way with me. I didn't think this night would come but I felt it, the moment my body and mindset changed and I was finally able to tell Ambrose that it was time to mate with me fully. I took him by surprise because it was in the middle of a song. I don't remember the song because I was distracted by the way Ambrose moved his body, his scent, the way he looked at me. All I saw, felt, and smelled was Ambrose. And it overwhelmed me to the point that I literally yanked Ambrose out of the club and to his truck.

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