Chapter 22

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The next morning, I wake up bright and early, and not on purpose either. I was so excited last night about today that I couldn't shut my brain off. So, it took forever to actually get to sleep, but I woke up just about every hour of the night to check the time. And when my phone finally said 6 AM I had no hope of falling back asleep. So, I went on social media for a while until I had looked at everything that my friends had posted during the night.

It was only 6:40 AM so I went to my desk and looked inside my backpack at the homework I needed to get done at some point this weekend. I figured right now is a good time as ever. And after an hour and a half of doing my homework, my mom knocked on my door to see if I was up. She opened the door before I could even respond, which really irritates me every time she does that. Just because I'm her son doesn't mean I don't deserve my own privacy.

I turned my head slightly to find my mom looking at my empty messy bed. Her eyes quickly find me, though. "Oh, what are you doing?"

"Homework," I respond as I show her my Marketing textbook.

Mom blinks at the textbook a few times before she enters the room fully. She probably wants to know if I'm really doing homework or not. She crosses the room and looks over my shoulder, another thing that really bothers me. I hate when someone looks over my shoulder at what I'm doing. It's a major violation of privacy in my opinion.

"You're doing homework this early on a Saturday?" She asks with a cross between bewilderment and skepticism.

I nod my head. "I couldn't fall back asleep once I woke up. I figured I'd get it out of the way,"

"Did you stay up all night? You know I hate when you do that, even on a weekend," She says as she runs a hand through my hair.

I shake my head with her fingers still in my hair. "I woke up at six,"

"Oh, good," She says. "Well, I'm glad you are getting an early start on your homework, but why don't you make your bed and then come down for breakfast?"

I glance at my messy bed. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to make my bed. I like making my bed actually, even if you have a messy room your clean bed can make all the difference. Having your sheets and blanket all sorted out all nice and neat give the allusion that your room is actually pretty clean and that you're not as much of a slob as your floor would suggest. I mean, I'm not saying I'm a slob or anything, I normally keep my room pretty clean, but sometimes a few things scatter around the floor.

"Oh," Mom says right before leaving the room. "You should probably take Maverick on a walk today, it's been a while since you've taken him. And I'm sure Lady would love to go on one as well. You could always take your dad's truck and take them to the dog park,"

At the mention of me driving my father's truck, my heart beats faster and my palms get clammy and sticky. My parents know driving makes me anxious and that I don't like to do it. So mom mentioning me taking the truck makes me suspicious for some reason. Mom never suggests I take someone's vehicle. Mom leaves before I can question her about it, though.

I shake my head and take a deep breath to try and forget about driving anything. I look back at my marketing textbook and then finish writing down my notes from the passage I just read before mom interrupted me. I still can't relax completely after getting worked up about driving, which is really irritating. So I close my textbook and set my pen down, giving up on homework altogether. I got a good chunk of it done so it will take less time to finish later this weekend.

I look at my bed again and decide to actually do as my mom asked and make my bed. It takes roughly thirty seconds to make the bed. Then I spontaneously decide to pick up the clothes littering the floor. There's a book on the floor and a few old homework pages that have already been graded. I put the book up on a shelf and sort the papers into classes, then I put them inside the paper divider inside a drawer on my desk. I keep all my homework and tests from each class because they come in handy during finals.

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