Chapter 15

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The Italian restaurant is a cute little place. There are only ten tables which are a little too close together for my taste. Being so close to strangers jacks up my anxiety like nobody's business. Luckily, the waiter seats us away from the only other two occupied tables so my anxiety doesn't have a chance to go on a rampage.

"Order whatever you want, my treat," Ambrose says as we look at our menus.

"It's okay, I can pay for myself,"

Ambrose shakes his head. "I refuse to let you,"

I stare at him as he stares right back. We hold the stare for a few seconds before my anxiety gets the better of me and I have to look away. Thanks, anxiety, now you made me lose. This isn't the first time my anxiety has caused me to lose something, though, so this isn't anything I'm not used to. Anxiety is really disappointing.

"Thanks," I mumble as I hide behind my menu.

After a while, we decide on what we want and give our order to the waiter. Then we sort of sit there in awkward silence until Ambrose laughs. I stare at him wondering what the heck he could be laughing at. He grins wide before taking a sip of his Pepsi.

"You don't talk much, do you?" He asks.

I shake my head. "No, I do most of it in my head," Then my eyes widen as I realize I said that out loud. "Wait, what?"

Ambrose laughs because apparently, I amuse him. I, on the other hand, am thoroughly embarrassed. I cannot believe that came out of my mouth. Why am I suck an idiot? Why do I have to embarrass myself in front of Ambrose of all people?

"You're funny," Ambrose says after he gets his laughing under control. "But I think we might have a problem,"

My heart speeds up immediately as my mind goes into overdrive trying to figure out what the problem could be. But fortunately for me, Ambrose stops my overthinking before I could give myself a panic attack. He must have realized I started to inwardly panic because he looks me right in the eye and clarifies what he meant.

"I only meant that if you don't talk that much and I don't talk that much, then how are we supposed to get to know each other?"

"Oh, that, right," I didn't think about that but now that I am I have noticed Ambrose doesn't talk much in school. It's usually the people around us who do the talking. Although, Ambrose contributes to the conversation more frequently than I do.

"Well, I guess I'll have to step up and ask a few questions then," He doesn't sound upset about it which makes me more than relieved. "So, I know about your siblings, but I don't know anything else about you besides the fact that you play basketball. Hmm, what should I ask?" He taps his chin adorably as I stay silent waiting for him to ask me a question. "Okay, how about we start small. What's your favorite color?"

My lips twitch up into a smile. "I don't really have just one. I like any neon color or anything that's bursting with color. Like tie-dye or rainbow, which sounds a bit childish but it's what I've always liked,"

He nods his head. "I have noticed you like to wear neon colors and tie-dye," He grins wide. "I think it suits you, though,"

"What's your favorite color?"

"I like yellow. Like, bright yellow. It reminds me of happy days and just cheers me up when I need it. After yellow, I like black, which is a sharp contrast to bright yellow,"

"Is that why your truck is black?"

He grins as he shakes his head. "I didn't get a choice on color because it used to be my brothers. He didn't drive it much so he gave it to me for my fifteenth birthday. I am glad it's not white, though, because you have to wash them all the time,"

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