Chapter 23

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"How about some lunch since you haven't eaten today?" Ambrose asks as he drives us somewhere. I'm not really sure he has a destination in mind either.

"Sure, but let me pay this time," I agree without much thought. Food is exactly what I need right now.

"And why would you want to do that?" He asks with a chuckle.

"Because you paid for the Italian and Jonah paid for last night, so in respect, it's my turn to pay this time,"

He glances at me with an odd look. "Not many people would offer to pay like that. And not many people would think they have to take turns paying,"

"And that is what's wrong with the dating world. Everyone expects the guy to pay, but really they should take turns if they aren't going to split the bill. But it's a little different when you're gay because then you're both guys. Which means by society's supposed rules, we should both be paying. But in reality, everyone should be splitting the bill or taking turns paying,"

"So we're dating?" Ambrose asks.

I look at him for a moment before I realize it did sound like that. "Well, I mean..."

He grins wide. "Does that mean you want to date me?"

"I wouldn't have kissed you last night if I didn't want to, Ambrose," I state like it was obvious. But I mean, to me it was obvious. No shame to the people who kiss people they have zero feelings for, but I'm not one of those people. I only want to kiss someone I like. And I've liked Ambrose since I was a child.

"So, does that mean we can say it's official then?"

I bite my bottom lip to try and contain some of my excitement. "Yeah, I'd say we could. What about you?"

"Damn do I want to make it official," He breathes out.

"Cool, then I think we should just make it official then,"

He nods his head. "Do we say today is the official day or sometime earlier?"

I laugh. "I think we became official when we kissed,"

"So yesterday then? Will that be our anniversary?" He flashes a pearly white grin at me.

I nod my head. "Do you see us having an anniversary?"

He nods his head. "Absolutely," He bites his bottom lip for a few seconds. "I feel good about you, Mathias, really good. And... I don't know... I do believe in soulmates,"

My heart jumps inside my chest. "I do too, Ambrose,"

He glances over at me again. "You do?"

"Yeah," I have an overwhelming desire to tell him I already know that we're soulmates but what Jonah said stops me. I want Ambrose to be ready to tell me. To trust me enough to tell me. "I really do believe in soulmates,"

"That's really good to know,"

"Well, now that we both have agreed to become official, what's for lunch?" Just as I finish saying it my stomach lets out an embarrassing growl.

Ambrose laughs. "What sounds good?"

I think for a moment. "Sandwiches. I haven't had a sandwich in forever,"

"Any place in particular?"

"I know this cute deli shop on Main," I suggest.

"Cute deli shop it is," He says as he makes a turn and heads in the direction of Main Street.


After getting lunch, Ambrose and I took a walk down Main Street. We window shopped and browsed a few inside but neither of us actually bought anything. It was a nice walk and we decided to head back to his truck around two because his cousin, Tara, texted him saying she had an emergency but wouldn't give anything away when he called her. She sounded frantic, though, and in desperate need of help. I don't think she was harmed or anything, so that's a positive. So, we headed to his house so he could help her.

Mathias (BxB, Werewolf)(Book 8) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now