Chapter 31

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I don't remember falling asleep... actually, I'm not even sure I am asleep. In fact, I can't remember much of anything at the moment. It's as if I've done nothing with my life and have no memories of anything, which freaks me out more than a little. I wonder if this is how newborns feel and that's why they cry so much. But I know I'm not a newborn. I'm not sure how I know that but I do somehow. And knowing that but not having any memories freaks me out. I can't piece anything together except for knowing that something important is waiting for me.

I'm not sure what is so important and why it's waiting for me, but I know there's something important waiting for me. I don't know if it's a person waiting for me, or if it's an animal, or even if it's an object of some kind. All I understand and know is that there's something important waiting for me. I don't understand why it's waiting for me in the first place or where it is. I don't even know where I am. And if I don't know where I am then how am I able to get to whatever important thing is waiting for me?

I wish I understood what is happening and where I am. I think I'd feel much better if I knew that. But I don't know a single thing besides the fact that something important is waiting for me. But I do also wish I knew what was so important and why it is waiting for me. If the important thing isn't an object then why can't it find me instead? I clearly need help.

And then suddenly, before I can contemplate anything else, a bright light nearly blinds me. Well, at least now I know I'm not blind.

"Come to me, my child," A voice says.

I recognize the voice of a woman but I don't recognize the language. And yet, despite not recognizing the language I can somehow understand it. Its sort of like the Tardis on Doctor Who which translates languages and allows the doctor's companions to understand and speak other languages. So, perhaps I am dreaming and I found myself inside the Tardis which is why I understand this strange but beautiful language.

"Come to me, my child," The voice repeats.

And somehow, without even knowing how to do it, my legs move on their own into the blinding light following the mysterious voice. I feel like I should be scared of this unknown, but I'm oddly not. In fact, the voice is calming and I want to meet the owner of it. I want to know this mysterious woman. And it doesn't take long before my legs carry me fully into the light, the darkness I was in before like a black hole in the distance behind me.

"Welcome, my child," That beautiful voice says. My eyes search for the owner but I can't find anyone. "I do apologize,"

"For what?" My voice sounds strange and distorted, almost like when you try to talk underwater.

"For my invisibility towards you,"

"Wait, you're invisible?" My head swivels all around because the voice sounds like it is all around me.

"Not exactly,"

"But you just said you were invisible," I say confused. "So, you're either invisible or you're not. Which one is it?" Then I realize that sounded rude so I quickly apologize. "I'm sorry, that sounded rude,"

A laugh that sounds like literal ethereal music surrounds me. And that musical laugh sends a calming wave gently over me. Not that I needed to calm down because I have never felt more at ease in my entire life. At least... I don't think so, I still can't remember anything.

"I appear invisible because you are human. If you were one of my children descended from one of my own birthed children then you would be able to see me clearly. However, since you are not a direct descendant of mine I can only appear translucent to you. Can you really not see even my silhouette?"

Mathias (BxB, Werewolf)(Book 8) COMPLETEDOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant