Chapter 17

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The next morning at exactly seven AM the doorbell rings. I have half a mind to pretend that I'm sick so I don't have to go to school because I'm way too nervous to see Ambrose. I'm pretty positive that it's Ambrose outside my front door right now, though. I don't know why I'm so nervous to see him. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that he now know's I like him and vice versa. Knowing that Ambrose likes me and finds me attractive makes me want to squeal like a girl.

In fact, I spent most of the night gushing over his pictures on Instagram forcing myself to not like every one of his pictures. He hasn't put up a new picture in over two weeks which makes me a little bummed but at least I know that he's alive, whereas if he still went to his old school and didn't post for two weeks I'd probably panic thinking he was dead. But luckily I know that he is alive and doing well. He even likes me back which is a literal dream come true. 

Telling Thora that I didn't need a ride today was a nightmare. I tried to text her last night to let her know but then when I didn't give her a straight answer of why I didn't need a ride she called me. And you know, talking on the phone gives me bad anxiety. I don't know why, especially when it was just Thora I was talking to, but I still got all nervous and shaky and bleh. Thora forced it out of me after a while because I just wanted off the phone before I gave myself a panic attack. Then she bugged me about knowing how Ambrose came about picking me up instead. I really didn't want to tell her about... what was it last night... a date? I don't think it was a date but... I just said we hung out after school and he insisted. 

Honestly, I hate how pushy Thora can be sometimes, but I still love her in the end. I just really didn't want to tell anyone about Ambrose yet until I know for sure what's even going on. I haven't even had time to tell Jonah yet because I spent most of my night staring at Ambrose's pictures and then trying to get Thora to leave me alone. I want to talk to Jonah so bad but I haven't had the time. I know he is going to be a little upset that I didn't even text him about Ambrose but it is what it is. 

"Make sure you take a coat," I jump a little as mom suddenly appears in the hallway I am currently standing in. I have been staring at the front door for who knows how long. "It's probably going to snow this morning,"

I groan as I open the front closet and pull out my Addidas coat. This coat is warmer than the Nike's jacket I wore to brunch with my sister. I have an Under Armour coat that is even warmer but I usually don't wear that until it really gets cold. Mom watches me until I sigh and put the coat on over my neon yellow hoodie. This hoodie has a neon-colored rainbow across the front of it. Mom seems satisfied that I put the coat on so she smiles and then walks away. 

"Have a good day, baby!" She calls back. 

I look up at the ceiling in annoyance. I hate when she calls me that and when I have to wear a coat when it's not cold enough. I was perfectly fine wearing just my hoodie. Mothers, I swear, they always think their children are going to freeze to death. Yes, it's almost November but that doesn't mean it's cold enough for a coat yet. I instantly take that back as I open the front door and a cold gust of wind hits me in the face. I shiver and mentally thank mom for looking out for me.

"Good morning," Ambrose says with a cheerful smile. 

I look him up and down with narrowed eyes. He wears a very similar outfit to the one he wore on the first day of school. Dark Adidas sneakers, dark wash jeans with faded thighs, a white V-neck instead of black, and that leather jacket that hugs his arms. He even has the same black sunglasses sitting on top of his black curls. But his leather jacket isn't zipped up which is why I narrow my eyes at him. 

"Aren't you cold?" I ask. 

He shrugs his shoulders. "I don't get cold that often. It takes a lot to make me cold,"

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