Chapter 7

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As Ambrose and I walk down the halls we end up meeting William halfway who has Jensen walking next to him. William grins as he spots us together and wraps his arm around my shoulders as soon as he reaches us.

"Did you two have class together?" He grins as he walks down the hall with his arm around my shoulders.

"Yes," I mutter as I allow myself to be dragged by him.

"I had class with Jensen," He says looking straight forward so we don't bump into anyone.

The halls are still crowded and I wonder how bad the cafeteria line will be. It's a good thing there are three different lunch periods so it's not like the entire school will be in line at once. I'm lucky enough to have this semester's lunch with William and the girls. Last year I only had lunch with William both semesters. I'm also lucky to have lunch at noon instead of practically in the morning or late afternoon.

William doesn't say anything else and I don't pay attention to Jensen and Ambrose to know if they talk to each other on our way to the cafeteria. I would like to pay attention to Ambrose but I also know I need to concentrate while walking in such a crowded hallway. It's a good thing William is mostly doing the leading instead of me.

As we get to the cafeteria I groan internally. I was right, the line is ridiculous. It might be worth it to bring a cold lunch for a few weeks until things get settled. William leads us to the lunch line to get our trays. I look at the red plastic tray and wonder if they even have enough food to feed the entire school. The line moves extremely slow but I do manage to catch a glimpse of Eliza and Thora already at a table with Abel and Tara.

I manage to get half a sub sandwich, a blue Jello cup, a small bag of Lays potato chips, and a red apple. I grab a bottle of water before giving the cashier my card. It's a regular debit card but I only use it as lunch money. It's money I made over the summer working at an ice cream shop.

My parents say they will pay for my lunch but I feel better knowing I worked for the money I spend. I don't feel as guilty when I splurge if it's my own money spent. The only problem is that when I run out of money I can't make any more until basketball season ends in late April. I always get a job right after basketball ends and work throughout the summer until the season starts up again in October. I recently quit my job actually since the basketball season just started.

After we all managed to get something to eat we make our way to the table Thora and Eliza managed to snatch. All the tables are pretty full by the time we get through the lunch line, with kids actually sitting on the floor or leaning against walls with their food. Hopefully, this gets sorted out pretty soon because it really is a health hazard with so many people. Also, who wants to eat on the floor?

"Hey," Thora greets as I slide into the chair next to her.

"Hey," I greet back. Eliza sits across from Thora so she nods her head at me in a silent greeting. I nod my head back and reach for my water.

"You guys managed to get through the line," Eliza laughs. "It's crazy in here,"

"I honestly didn't think we'd get much, but we scored pretty well if I do say so myself," William grins wide.

"Well, I picked these up for you, Matty," Eliza says as she slides a small package of single-serve Nilla Wafers to me. I happily snatch the cookies off the table as Thora wrinkles her nose at them.

"Gross," Thora says with a shake of her head.

I stick my tongue out at her. "Don't gross my Nilla's," I say before making a show of ripping open the bag and popping one in my mouth. "Mm," I hum in satisfaction.

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