Chapter 16

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"I have to ask you a question," I say as Ambrose idles his Chevy in my driveway.

Dinner was great and I am very thankful that I didn't get a panic attack and managed to keep my anxiety in check. I opened up a little more as the night went on. We ended up leaving once we realized how long we had been there for and people were waiting for a table. Apparently, it was a popular restaurant even though it was so well hidden.

"What's that?" He asks.

I take a deep breath before asking what has been in the back of my mind since he first got to my school. "Are you aware that I'm gay?" Just because we hung out today and he calls me cute doesn't mean he knows for a fact.

Ambrose stares at me for a moment which really doesn't help my overactive mind. He eventually nods his head slowly. "I was hoping you were, or at least attracted to me. But then you said what you said earlier and I sort of figured you might be. And you never shy away from my touch so I really was hoping I wasn't just reading too much into it,"

"Does that mean you're gay?"

"I think so, yeah,"

"You think so? You aren't entirely sure?" That leaves room for him to move on, to decide he isn't attracted to the same sex. And that terrifies me.

"I mean, if I'm being honest... then I've always been curious. Uhm, do you remember when I used to pass the basketball to you when we were kids?"

I nod my head. Of course I remember. How could I ever forget? That's when I first met him and fell in love. Not that I'm going to share all that with Ambrose anytime soon. Perhaps someday I will, but definitely not right now when we're still figuring each other out.

"So, I passed it to you because I liked you. At least, I think I did. I was confused about it back then, so I'd pass the ball to you. I liked how happy you got when you scored the winning shot and I wanted you to be happy. I didn't exactly enjoy playing basketball but I loved when we played your team. And it's a little embarrassing but I've never forgotten about you. And then I saw you again that first day of school and I just knew. I knew that I had to get to know you. But, I think I've known all along that I was gay and that's why I've never dated anyone before. But I've also never been attracted to anyone before like I am you,"

With my anxious state of mind, I say the first thing that comes to mind. Which is stupid of course. "If you didn't like playing the sport why did you?"

"My school required an after school activity and my parents really pushed playing a sport to prepare me for later in life,"

"Oh," I say stupidly.

"Did I freak you out?" He asks and I can hear the nervousness in his voice which honestly makes my own nerves simmer down. If he's nervous it means he has to be telling me the truth about liking me, right?

I shake my head. "No, I'm just trying to get my mind to wrap around it. I- I uh-," I shake my head again. "I don't know. I guess I'm relieved that you know now. Oh, and that you like me,"

A smile tugs at his lips. "Does that mean you like me back?"

I grin wide. If only he knew how I really felt about him. "Yeah, I like you. I remember you from basketball, too, and never forgot about it,"

He rubs his neck. "Goddess, that is so embarrassing,"

I shake my head. "I thought it was cute. Besides, we were kids so we can't fault ourselves too much,"

Ambrose nods his head as he lets out a breath of air. "I was a stupid embarrassing kid," He chuckles.

"Hey, same here. Especially when my anxiety and panic attacks started up around fourth grade,"

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