Chapter 27

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Ambrose and I share one of the giant beanbag chairs in the living room as we watch The Amazing Spider-Man on his family's ridiculously large TV. And since it's a beanbag chair and the support is a bunch of foam beans we end up so close that I'm practically sitting on him. We are in full-on cuddle mode without actually meaning to be. I mean, I am in no way complaining about our close situation, but I do have to admit that it makes me a little nervous. I've never been this close to anyone besides Thora, Eliza, and my family. I've never even been this close to William before.

And since I'm in love with the guy, and our relationship is still new and fresh, and he's a freaking werewolf I have no idea how to behave. He has supersonic hearing so he can pick up the slightest change in my heartbeat and breathing whenever I get nervous. And I'm worried that I'm acting weird. Like, do I glue my eyes to the TV, or do I look away once in a while? Do I keep my mouth shut during the movie or do I make small talk? Do I comment on the movie while it's still playing? What the hell do I do? How do normal people watch a movie with their supernatural boyfriend?

Boyfriend. Saying it like that makes me so unbelievably happy! I've dreamt and fantasized about calling Ambrose my boyfriend for so long that now that he is I have to keep reminding myself that it's real and not all in my head. I have to remind myself not to squeal like an excited child. And as hard as I try I know I can't really control how fast my heart beats while around him. I get too damn excited, though, and I can't help it. And since I've never had a boyfriend before, or any romantic relationship for that matter, I have no idea how to behave. What do you do with a boyfriend? How do you act around one? What do boyfriends talk about? And how much of something is appropriate? Say... kissing for instance. How much kissing is appropriate? Heaven knows how badly and how much I want to kiss him.

"Mathias," I jump ever so slightly at Ambrose's voice.

"Y-yes?" My voice cracks. How embarrassing.

"Your scent is driving me crazy,"

I blink in confusion and turn my head to look at him. "Excuse me?" Do I stink or something? I showered this morning but maybe I didn't use enough soap? Perhaps I worked up more of a sweat than I thought during my walk with Lady and Maverick. "I'm sorry," I whisper.

Ambrose shakes his head. "No, you understood that wrong," He says. "I meant you smell amazing and it's driving me crazy,"

"I smell amazing?" Dammit, why am I so confused by that? "I didn't put anything on today. I mean, I showered and put some Old Spice deodorant on but that's all,"

He shakes his head again. "Your natural scent," He says as he takes a deep breath. "Your natural scent is amazing and it's driving me insane,"

"What do I smell like?" I ask curiously.

He moves slowly and keeps eye contact with me for as long as he can before he buries his nose in my throat and takes a deep breath. My heart skips a beat as I realize he is taking a deep whiff of me. His hand moves to the back of my head to tilt it to the side to give him better access to my throat.

"Roses," He mutters into my throat. "You smell like sweet roses,"

I can't help but giggle at that. "I smell like roses and your name has rose in it,"

He chuckles against my throat, his hot breath tickling me a bit. "My family's crest is a rose. It's why Tara always wears a rose somewhere on her outfit,"

"And you don't?" I ask as my breath hitches as his lips touch the sensitive skin on my throat.

"I figure since rose is in my name I don't need to wear a rose everywhere I go," His lips then press against my throat again.

Mathias (BxB, Werewolf)(Book 8) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now