Chapter 37

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Going to school the next day was a mess. Ambrose was super protective towards me and anytime someone— who I'm assuming was a werewolf— stared at me for too long he would let out a warning growl to make them look away. I had people coming up to me asking about the bandage on my arm and hand all day which was embarrassing to get so much attention, especially since I had to lie and come up with some lame story since I couldn't exactly tell the truth. And every time someone got too close Ambrose would pull me closer to him. He was quite visibly staking his claim over me. And for some reason, it wasn't until today that I noticed the glances I would get from people— who again I assume are werewolves— who then look away quickly when Ambrose gave them a look or low growl. 

My friends were all over me about the injuries I had and chewing me out for not telling them that Ambrose and I were a thing. Ambrose didn't seem to give a shit as he held me close all day in front of anyone who dared to look. I think he might have been a little moody because he had to leave me the night before because his parents said that if he was healed then he needed to come home to discuss things. And as soon as he picked me up in the morning he dragged me into a tight embrace and kissed me like he hadn't seen me in forever, which is what it honestly felt like. He didn't even care that he was making out with me in front of my parent's house who were still home. And for some reason, I couldn't find it in me either to feel embarrassed because I missed him just as badly.

After spending almost three days straight with him I was missing him like crazy. Sure, he went home late at night after he had dinner at my place but I had gotten used to him sleeping in my bed with me. I got used to sleeping on his chest as a pillow and having his arm draped around me protectively. And since he was gone I had a hard time sleeping for some reason. So, I didn't mind his neediness the next day because I needed him just as much. Because for some reason being away from him for one night felt like a lifetime.

And because we both needed that physical touch as reassurance I didn't mind how clingy he was, because I was probably just as clingy. And I didn't even care that I was very obviously admitting to whoever looked that I was gay and in a relationship with Ambrose. I didn't even care that my teachers would raise an eyebrow at us or widen their eyes. All I cared about was keeping Ambrose close to me and dreaded the moment he had to leave me again.

"Hey, are you even listening?" I blink a few times as I realize I spaced out on Will... again. I seem to be having a focusing problem today.

"I'm sorry, what?" I ask like the idiot I am.

Will raises an eyebrow at me before snickering. He shakes his head and looks over his shoulder at Ambrose and Jensen who talk quietly two seats away. Jensen managed to pull Ambrose away from me when he said they needed to talk, so Will took the opportunity to talk to me. Well... try to talk to me. If only I could focus on the poor guy for longer than five seconds.

"I said," Will says slowly. "That since you canceled on Sunday I met with him instead,"

It takes my slow brain a few seconds to realize he's talking about his dad. As soon as I realize, though, I sit up straighter and lean closer to him. "Really, how did it go?"

I feel bad about missing his birthday yesterday and I felt terrible calling him to cancel. I guess I could have spent his birthday with him because Ambrose was feeling fine yesterday but I wasn't up for it. I was in a weird mood and didn't want to socialize with anyone but Ambrose. That makes me a pretty crappy friend, doesn't it?

He shrugs his shoulders before pulling something out of his backpack that rests on the table in front of him. He slips a folded piece of paper to me and frowns as he watches me pick it up. I unfold it and attempt to make sense of the official-looking typed words. All I get from it though is that there's a bank account in Will's name that he has access to now that he is eighteen.

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