Chapter 29

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The next morning I wake to a steady heart beating in my ear. I never did understand why babies were soothed by the sound of a heart beating. My mom used to have a small sound machine that she would set to the heartbeat setting for both my brothers when they were much younger. It always seemed to calm them, though, and I never understood why. Sure, it made sense when mom explained to me that the sound of their mother's heartbeat was the first thing a baby ever heard while in the womb, and that hearing a heart beating helped them feel comforted and safe. But that didn't mean I understood it fully.

But as I wake to the sound of Ambrose's heart beating I finally understand. I finally understand why the sound of a heart beating can comfort you and make you feel safe. At least I know why it does for me. Hearing Ambrose's heartbeat assures me that he is alive and with me still. And being with Ambrose makes me feel safe in general. So, hearing that his heart is beating in a steady rhythm comforts me and makes me feel safe. I'm not sure how I know it's Ambrose's heart I am listening to considering I haven't even opened my eyes yet. I just instinctively know that it's Ambrose.

I lay there for a while listening to his heart beating and his steady breathing. He is still fast asleep so I take advantage of the situation to check him out fully. Something I'm too shy to do while he's awake.

His chest is smooth with two pretty pink nipples. His abs are defined and show that he works hard to keep them that way. And then there's the sexy line of hair that runs down from his navel between that 'V' that points and leads right to his groin that is hidden beneath the low riding pajama pants. I can just make out the tips of curly black hair from the patch that nestles his family jewels. God, I can't believe I gave my first blowjob last night, to Ambrose no less! It was perfect and I wouldn't want it any other way or with anyone else.

I bite my bottom lip as I move my head up to look at his peaceful sleeping face. He is so unbelievably handsome. His skin is a pretty brown olive tone, his pink lips are full and slightly ajar as he sleeps. His cheekbones are high and his black eyelashes are long and sweep across them. His eyebrows are thick but not bushy, the kind of eyebrows that my sister would be jealous of. And if he were awake I would see those pretty silver eyes of his. I used to wonder if he wore colored contacts, but after seeing that family portrait I realize it's a family trait on his father's side.

His hair is black and curly and frames his forehead and the side of his handsome face. His curls resemble his father's curls more closely than his mother's, at least that's what I assume after seeing the family portrait. I, of course, have never met his parents and I am extremely nervous too. Not only are they Ambrose's parents, the people who created him and raised him, but they are also freaking werewolves. And I thought meeting human parents made me anxious. At least human parents wouldn't be able to hear my nervously beating heart or be able to smell that their son has marked me. How are we going to explain that one? I feel like we're about to get in trouble for getting caught having sex. And we haven't even had sex!

Well, I mean, we had oral sex but that's it. Honestly, though, Ambrose marking me feels a hell of a lot more intimate than my mouth on his dick. How is that even possible? Shouldn't me sucking his dick be more intimate than his teeth in my throat? I guess that's a supernatural thing, though. Ambrose did say what he did is permanent and that every supernatural creature will be able to smell it. Damn, that's embarrassing that anyone can smell me. Well, I mean, they will smell Ambrose on me... or in me? Ugh, this is so confusing.

My eyebrows pull together as I watch Ambrose's lips twitch before pulling up in one corner into a crooked grin. God, that's sexy. His sexy crooked grin has captured my full attention so I don't realize in time that he has opened his eyes to watch me. Instead, I admire the way his full lips look. God, I want to kiss him again. Why does he have to be so freaking gorgeous? I nearly groan as I watch his tongue dart out to lick his lips.

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