Chapter 1

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Big silver eyes stare back at me with thick black eyelashes. Thick black curly hair framing his beautiful face. Long straight nose. Full pink lips. Smooth light brown olive skin.

"Mm," I bite my bottom lip hard.

What I wouldn't give to feel that smooth olive skin. To kiss those full pink lips. Bump my own nose into that long straight nose. Run my fingers through that thick black curly hair. Or have those big silver eyes staring at me all day with love in them. I would give my left leg. Probably even my right. Yeah, I'd give both my legs.

A gasp escapes my lips as the vibrations vibrate my prostate.

"Shiiiit," I whimper as I try to keep quiet.

Only my little brothers Bowie and Jagger are home, but still, I don't want them hearing me. That would be so embarrassing. No, having them walk in on me would be even more embarrassing. I triple checked that my door was locked, though, so they shouldn't be getting in.

I move my hand just slightly and cry out, quickly grabbing my blanket and shoving it in my mouth so I can bite down on it. The vibrating dildo sends rocketing vibrations through my ass, all over my prostate, and to the pit of my stomach.

What I wouldn't give to have him inside me right now pressed up against my prostate instead of a vibrator. Why couldn't I have him? Oh, yeah, that's right, because I'm to chicken to actually talk to him, despite the annoying bugging of Jonah Forrester telling me to.

Jonah first got a look at him when he and his husband, Micah, went to one of my basketball games back when I was around nine or ten. After taking one look at him he insisted I talk to him, but I can never bring myself to do it.

Even now, Jonah bugs me with prodding questions on if I have talked to him yet. How can I talk to him, he goes to a different school and he doesn't play basketball anymore? I don't know why he quit basketball, to which Jonah said I would know if I just manned up and talked to him. Yeah, easier said than done.

When I am around him I get all nervous and sweaty. I stumble over my words and make a fool of myself. Although, the last time I saw him we were on a school field trip to the Zoo when we were fourteen. I haven't seen him in three years and it is slowly killing me.

I swear. Not seeing him is killing me. Jonah says I am dramatic and I need to look him up, he doesn't know that I already have. He doesn't know that I stalk his Facebook and Instagram religiously. No, I have not followed him or added him as a friend, he might think I'm weird if I did. And it's extremely hard not to like all of his pictures on Instagram. Every. Single. One.

Jonah doesn't think so, though. Jonah has it in his head that we could end up being right for each other. I think he just wants me to be happy and he knows he would make me happy. Jonah also knows that I don't think about any other person as I do him. Even though I haven't seen him in three years, I still think about him daily. I still obsess over him.

I can't help it. I love him. I've been in love with him since I was eight years old and I started basketball.

Although, I don't think he would appreciate knowing that I pretty much stalk him on social media and have been in love with him since I was a child. Yeah, no, that will stay my deepest, darkest, secret.

Well, besides my masturbating to his pictures. That will always be my deepest, darkest, secret.

My body can't take it anymore as I suddenly convulse and white cum spurts from my erection all over my bare stomach. My mouth drops open, the blanket falling out as I let out a silent but breathy moan. My finger can just barely push the 'off' button on the dildo before my hand falls to my mattress as my body goes limp, unable to support my limbs any longer as I ride out my orgasm.

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