Chapter two: "Who were you talking with?"

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"Sarah, are you being late again or what?"

While walking through the hallway she sees Zak and Leo and slows down so she doesn't have to say anything to them. Zoe's too worried to talk to them without Sarah. She feels her palms sweating and turns her back to them.

"Yeah, I slept over, couldn't wake up... anyways, please tell the teacher that there is traffic and that's why I couldn't come on time."

"No worries, honey."

Bella catches her eye and she goes towards her in hope that the boys don't notice her. She starts a weird conversation with her and they both go to the classroom.

Sarah arrives to school with 30 minutes delay and decides not to join the first period, instead she smokes in the school's parking area, leaned on her car. Zoe gets worried about her and leaves the class to look for her clumsy friend, when she goes to the parking area, she sees Sarah near her car. Zoe wonders why didn't she show up to class, when she's already here but she thinks that it's probably because she wanted to smoke.

"Why didn't you come to class? I got worried about you. Btw... didn't you stopped smoking?"

"I had to make an important phone call and it went longer than I thought so I just decided to stay here and join the next class. And yes, but I started again. I have to reduce this stress somehow."

"It's your choice but... you shouldn't have started again. Anyways... who were you talking with? Is there something wrong?"

"No, no everything's just fine. It was an old friend of mine... Let's go to class."

Sarah puts out the cigarette and walks away while Zoe's trying to figure out why did she hide the person she was talking to. She thinks that Sarah looks kinda stressed and that she is hiding something from her. Sarah wouldn't miss the class unless there is something that really bothers her. She might be a party type of a person but she still cares about her grades and future. After a while Zoe follows Sarah and they both enter the school and go to the classroom.

As they walk in, Sarah sees that Rachel and Bella aren't sitting next to each other as they used to do. She gets curious and asks Zoe, as they sit to their seats:

"Why aren't they sitting next to each other? Did I miss something?"

"No, you didn't miss anything... they haven't talked to each other since they got in here. I think they had an argument, I wonder what happened because I've never seen them like this. Bella looks angry, Rachel is sad. I just don't understand."

"Seems like they had a really serious fight. I might sound rude but I don't trust them and I don't really care. They might do it to get others attention or something. Or even though they had a fight they're best friends, I'm pretty sure they'll make up again."

"Yeah, they WERE, but now they seem like enemies. I'm going to talk to Rachel, she looks like she needs emotional support and maybe she'll tell me what happened so I could help her and Bella to get over this."

"Okay Zoe, talk to her, but if she offends you AGAIN, then I'm going to break her face. She doesn't have the right to hurt you."

"Sarah, calm down, she won't say anything to hurt me. I'm just trying to help."

"Fine... go ahead."

Sarah's phone starts buzzing she sees that this mysterious person calls her again and she leaves the classroom, without telling Zoe. She looks disturbed from these calls but keeps answering them which makes this more strange.

Rachel is thinking about her argument with Bella. She's not sure if she did the right think or not. But she only knows that she doesn't regret her action even if this ruined their friendship. She notices that Zoe is approaching her and puts her phone away and acts like he's reading her book. Zoe sits next to Rachel and starts the conversation:

"Hey Rachel, we haven't talked in a while. What's up? How have you been?"

"Hi Zoe, uhm... I'm good, I guess. You?"

"I'm good too, but you don't seem good, as you say. What happened to you and Bella? You, guys, have never been angry with each other. Is there anything I can do to make you two get back again? I don't like seeing you like this."

"Zoe... just do not interfere in our lives, okay? That's the only thing you can do."

"But I want to help you! You don't seem like yourself, that's not you. I know the smiley Rachel, not the sad one!"

"Why don't you focus on your life for once?! You're always in someone else's business, NO ONE WANTS YOU, Zoe! I don't need you, neither your help. Now, leave me the fuck ALONE."

Zoe's eyes get teary immediately after hearing her words. She goes to her seat and a little tear leaves her eye and drops to her cheek. Leo sees her sadness and sits next to her. Zoe wipes away her tears and looks at Leo.

"What happened, Zoe? Are you okay?"

He asks with a sweet and caring voice.

"Oh, nothing. I'm fine. Just got dust in my eye. That's it."

"Zoe, I know that it's not dust, stop lying and tell me what happened."

Leo insists of knowing the truth. Actually, he thinks that Zoe is such a cool girl and he wants to have a chat with her. He's been always nervous around the girls he's liked, but when he saw her crying, he couldn't pretend like he didn't see it.

"Well, I saw that Rachel and Bella are angry with each other so I wanted to talk to Rachel but she shouted at me and told me that no one wants me. I just wanted to help her solve out that problem."

Zoe can't hold her tears and starts crying harder. Leo gives her a wipe for her tears and keeps talking to her. They spend the entire school day together, talking about themselves. After school Leo walks with Zoe to her house.

She thanks him and enters her house. Zoe takes a little nap and decides to call Sarah because she missed the last two periods, but she doesn't pick up. She wonders where she could be and why is she randomly disappearing and decides to have a talk with her.

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What do you think about Rachel getting angry at Zoe?

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