Note to reader: Do what you love!

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Hello fellow reader,

If you are interested in how the ideas or even how this book was born, also maybe you want to start writing and don't know when or how to begin, then welcome you are about to be enlightened:

Now, all of this started out as a joke between us two, we talked about it the whole night and how it would be an interesting book to read, however we didn't know if there were any already existing books about this topic.

At first of course, the storyline was different - there weren't as many characters and a murder mystery. Then we started thinking about it more and some events happening in our lives inspired us even further, but only we knew about it, besides they were just silly ideas at the time.

Previously we had thought about downloading this app and after some time we decided to give it a try and see what we could do.

To remind you we have never done something like this before therefore at the start we struggled, despite that we had made our minds to share it here.

We seek help plus take advice from authors on this platform. With their help it is possible to improve the whole book and storytelling. It is very new and exciting to us. We find inspiration by watching movies, reading other books, observing the people around us along with our own adventures. Basically, from doing daily things.

If you have ideas like us and also want to share them, we encourage you to not be afraid and do it. We are also still learning and will be forever, there is nothing to lose by trying. There will always be people to help you on your journey. You don't have to be perfect from the start we weren't and still are not, nobody is. Do what you want, do what you love. ♡

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