Chapter 68:- I'm Sorry

Start from the beginning

"Before I left for Citadark," Charlus said, "I was sitting like you were on a cliff on Hald fest. You had Ash but I was all alone and then out of the blue, my dad shows up."


He nodded.


"What do you mean why? I'm his son!"

Gary frowned but Charlus decided to let it slide.

"We talked," the brunet continued, "after more than twenty years. I thought he'd be angry, furious even, but dad was... calm and collected, said he was sorry."

"For what?"

He shrugged, "Who knows, my point is... it felt good to talk to him again."

Gary didn't know what was the moral of Charlus's anecdote. Was he subconsciously expecting an apology from his son for being a kid so stupid that his father had to walk out on him like he was a wild rattata?

"I'm not apologizing to you," Gary said obnoxiously.

Charlus looked at him with amazement in his eyes, his sorry didn't have any morale, it was just to break the ice. Could Gary not see it? Was he as blind as his mother was at picking up simple clues?

"Why would I be expecting an apology out of you?" He questioned, "what type of person do you think I am?!"

Gary raised an eyebrow, it was answer enough.

"Never mind," he laughed nervously, "don't answer it... my point was—"

"You had a point?"

The brunet frowned, "My point was— and I do have one!" He said before Gary could open his mouth, "I can say nothing but sorry, if I could go back in time and soothe your pain, I would. But for now, I can't do anything but say sorry."

Gary didn't answer.

"I'm sure as a kid you had many expectations of me... I'm sorry I was such a disappointment."

Gary did have many exceptions from his father. He expected him to show up. The brunet was tired of scouring the crowds looking for a forgotten face just to see the proud look on his face.

But once again, he didn't dare voice his thoughts.

"There is one thing though," said the brunet.

"What?" Asked his father with a smile.

"I don't know why but... a part of me always wished for Ash to be a girl—"

Charlus didn't like where the conversation was heading.

"—I liked having a best friend but..." a sigh escaped his lips.

His father didn't know how to handle this conversation, luckily for him, modern television was full of contents like these which told him exactly what to do in a situation like this.

"Gary..." he shifted towards his son, "it's alright, I mean, it's okay! It's good, I'm glad we're sharing."

His son was a thousand percent sure his father had someone managed to misunderstand his words.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"It's okay," Charlus messed up Gary's hair, "It's okay that you're gay and have feelings for your best friend... I'm pretty sure Ash isn't gay but... you'll find a nice man."

Before he could pull him in for a hug, Gary slid out from his grip.

"That's not what I was saying, you lunatic!" Gary barked, "I always wanted a sister, that's what I was trying to say, you craphead! And Ash? Ew! Even if I was gay, I could do a hundred... nay... a thousand times better than him."

"A sister?" Charlus questioned, "I thought you liked being an only child."

"At first," he huffed, "but then you left and with grandpa... I loved Pokemon but they can't speak and you can't pull pranks on them, they're too damn adorable to do that... I had to grow up alone and always wished for a sister."

Charlus wished he could relate to Gary, but he'd grown up in the Raider manor along with James who was the full package, he rarely had a moment to himself.

He didn't have anything to say, except perhaps a few words.

"I'm sorry you had to grow up alone,"

Gary nodded, his gaze fell upon the Kalosian sea in front of him. "I am too."

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