Chapter 18 - Christmas!

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this chapter will remain 3rd POV!

Janus wrapped the last gift, what a procrastinator, eh? He waited until 10 minutes until he and Remus had to go up with the others.  Well, he had 30 minutes before he had to leave but then he lost Patton's and Virgil's gift, then he found them but he only had 15 minutes. He rubbed his eyes, the presents we're pretty and had festive wrapping. He skipped the bows, because he wasn't extra and likes to speed up processes. Janus left his room and Remus was waiting impatiently waiting on the couch, scrolling through his phone, "Remus, you ready to go?" he asked, Remus looked at him and smiled, "Finally! I felt like I was waiting decades for you to finish wrapping boxes." Remus told him, as they went down to the light's area, just appearing in the Livingroom, Roman and Logan we're there looking on Disney Plus for something to watch.

Remus yelled, "Ayo bitches!" and jumped onto the couch, Janus mentally face-palmed but somehow was still in deep fondness to the green side, "Oh shut it, gremlin." Roman swatted him like a cat, "I always knew you we're a pus-" Janus cleared his throat, "Remussss," He hissed, "Sorry, snakey." Remus smirked, Patton noticed the two were there from the kitchen, "Oh! Hi Janus! Hi Remus! I'm making cookies!"  He told the two, quite excited. "Want help?" Janus asked. Patton nodded ecstatically.

Janus helped mixed the cookie dough, Patton likes making it plain because 1. Logan doesn't trust the store ones, and 2. Patton thinks it is made with more love, which could mean many things. Patton took the cookie dough and placed it on the cookie sheet and put it in the oven, "In like 30 minutes!" Patton smiled, excited. Janus made a muffled, "Mmhmm." because he was shoving his mouth with chocolate chips, "Get out of the chocolate chips!" Patton snatched the bag, Patton looking at the bag and deciding to eat some too.. Which he did, he grabbed a handful and shoved it into his mouth, "Hypocrite!" Janus yelled, which Patton snickered.

Janus and Patton sat down on the floor in front of couch as Virgil went downstairs, finally, "Good morning- wait what time is it?" Virgil asked, confused when he saw Janus and Remus, "2:32.." Roman told him, "Oops.." Virgil said, in a tired voice, "That's unhealthy, Virgil. You're supposed to go to bed at 9 and wake up at at least 8 or 9.." Logan said but Patton shushed him, "Lecture him later.. Anyways, what movie are we gonna watch?" Patton asked, as Virgil grabbed a hairbrush from the coffee table and brushed his hair, already having eyeshadow on. "Well, we're stuck on Home Alone, The Nightmare Before Christmas, and, Elf." Roman said, "We have time for two movies so.. How about The Nightmare Before Christmas and Elf because we watched Home Alone next year." Virgil said, they all agreed. 

They watched the first 20 minutes of Elf before Patton got the cookies and set them on the coffee table, "Don't eat them yet, they're ho-" Before Patton could finished, Remus grabbed on and shoved it into his mouth, showing no sign of discomfort. Roman and Logan watched in utter confusion, Virgil and Patton admired it, Janus just shrugged it off, "You dumbass, you're gonna get a 3rd degree burn one day." Janus told him, shaking his head, "Bold of you to assume I haven't." Remus smirked, tiny laughs sparked from the group.

They finished the movie with little to no distractions, "I wanna try that chocolate pasta." Virgil said, "All of Italy is shaming you right now." Janus said, "Ita shame." Patton smirked, he said in a Italian accent. "When are we opening presents?" Roman asked, Remus nodded as well. "We can open them right now, it is 4.." Logan said, the group woo-ed.

Roman was the first to open his, he got all sorts of musical themed and play themed gifts, but Logan gave him a book called, "Ego Is the Enemy" by Ryan Holiday. "Oh HAHA, I have such a big ego it is making you jealous!" Roman brushed Logan off, "His ego is so big, I can hardly breathe!" Remus said, and Virgil made gasping noises, "Oh fu- ahem, frick you." Roman said, rolling his eyes. 

Logan was next, they gave him gifts of book themes and also some puzzle games, like "The Perplexus Warp"  and, "36 Cube" since he likes to be a Brainiac, "Thank you for these gifts, I will sure have a delight of enhancing my knowledge and also boasting when I finish this warp." Logan told them, smiling slightly, "That's uh.. why we got it for ya, specs." Virgil told him, sitting on the edge of the couch.

Then Patton because he gave subtle hints that he wanted to go next, he got gifts like a fake dog and a plushie of a cat. He also got many cards along with the gifts, and Logan got him an educational book, "Thank you, Lo, I will uh, totally read this..!" Patton told him, holding it up, Janus looked at him spectacle, "Oh, Patton I also forgot to give you this because I knew you would be satisfied with the gift.." Logan handed him a book about animals and animal facts, which Patton seemed very satisfied, "Awh kiddo, I would've liked anything but thank you for this purrfect gift!" Patton giggled, "Oh c'mon.." Logan groaned but Virgil laughed at the over-used pun.

Then it was Remus's turn, now mostly everyone stumped on him (besides Janus and Logan.) So he got a wide variety of random gifts, he got the card game, "Cards Against Humanity" and a game revolved around dinosaur bones in sand, which Remus planned on eating both, he also got a furry mask. "Now I can finally engage in my furry fantasies of being a drowning wolf in the sea!" Remus joked, "Oh shut it." Janus hit his arm, "Do you mean.. Furry Fantaseas?" Patton giggled at his own joke and so did Remus and Virgil. Virgil finds any joke Patton makes hilarious and he doesn't know why.

Then Virgil, which was an array of music posters, noise cancelling headphones, other colored eyeshadow and different colored dark clothing that matches with his purple sweater, "Who gave me a soda labelled 'Angst Juice'?" Virgil asked, Janus snickered, "Oh you fucking snake." Virgil threw the bottle at him, "Thanks, now I can finally fulfill my angsty dreams!" Janus smirked and popped the cap opened to drink it, but Virgil snatched it, "Still my soda, not takebacks!" He said as he sipped it, it was Dr. Pepper.

Then it was Janus's turn, which he got different type of gifts, he got a couple bottles of wine from Patton, a weighted blanket from Roman because he's a snake, he also got a few electronic games (which is from Virgil, telling him to stop acting old.) he got books and educational things from Logay, a yellow bear from Remus (which is probably the only family-friendly gift he'd ever received from Remus)and then another gift that was written 'from Virgil and Remus' which was a flask with wine in it with a label, "Sarcastic Bitch Juice." which everyone couldn't help but laugh, "Oh, I'm going to love getting more sarcastic." Janus said, sarcastically but with a smile.

They all settled down and began to watch the next movie, The Nightmare Before Christmas. 

This was probably one of the best Christmas they all have had.

A/N: I can't tell if this is good or eh. anyways, floof.

wordcount: 1269

💛 Yellow is a Happy Color. 💚 Demus.✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ