Chapter 14 - Date

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TW: none lmao heres some fluff :>

3rd POV

Janus smiled, they never had an official date and Janus was nervous, but excited. He grabbed a yellow sweater, it didn't fit like before but it still looked fine. he put on some black pants and his regular shoes, hat, and gloves. He flopped onto the bed behind him.

They were going to a park near a graveyard (in the creativity world area thing.) so they could "get the best of both worlds" Janus puts it. Remus just calls it fun.

Remus seemed oh so confident but was actually panicking, he put on a green shirt, black jacket, sorta like Remys jacket but softer and more gray, Jeans, and his regular shoes.

He was overthinking everything. Remus walked out of his room and walked to the kitchen. He grabbed some cheese (or cheez) its, deodorant, some juice boxes, and some previously made cookies that Patton dropped off yesterday.

He looked at the clock, 2:35. He yawned, sometimes talking is boring. With that information in mind, he went to a cabinet under the TV and grabbed 2 card games, "Uno" and "Cards Against Humanity." Now, apparently you need 4+ people for CAH, so he decided they'd just do the thing on tiktok where one of them will pick a random black card and the other will grab a white.

Uno is self explanatory, Janus grabbed his phone and started to scroll through tiktok. Rubbing his eyes as he did so, 15 minutes later, which felt like 5, Remus knocked on his door. "Cmooooooonnn." he said.

Janus looked at the time quickly, "Oh, sorry. Coming." he said getting his phone, he also grabbed a blanket, so they could sit on, and the food to not get too dirty. Janus left his room and Remus grabbed his hand, "Let's go to your creativity because mine is.. uh.." he tried to think of a word, "Demonic?" Janus asked.

Remus squinted his eyes, "Ehhhh, yeah. I guess." Janus nodded. I dont know how they get to there world things so poof they're at Janus'. "So, let's go to that tiny hill." Remus pointed, it was near.

They walked there and Janus laid the blanket down, "Awww is Janus too scared to get his pants dirty." Remus teased, snickering. "I- No! Shut it, rat. You're just dirty." Janus said, smiling and sitting down on the blanket it. "Both literally and figuratively." Remus replied, laughing. Janus playfully rolled his eyes.

Remus dropped a basket, they haven't really ate much that day. Remus grabbed a baggie of cheese its. Janus shook his head, "No I'm fine." Remus smelled BS, he raised a brow, and nudged him.

"Fine! You have a way with words- Wait.." Janus sighed, but realizing what he just said. "I didnt even speak-" Janus shushed him, "Well- I- Duh- I figured that out- uh before you s-said it!" He stuttered. Remus laughed. (before you @ me, janus stutters when he messed up something.) Janus glared at him, "Stooop laughingg!" He whined, grabbing a couple of cheez its.

Remus sighed after he was done, "You're funny." Janus rolled his eyes, "Ssssshush." he hissed, smiling. Remus shrugged. They talked for awhile. About random subjects, music, food, light sides, Thomas, past.

They made sure to keep it light hearted, because they wanted this to be a happy date. No angst. Janus looked at the time on his phone, 5:20. Remus frowned, "We missed 4:20!" he joked. Janus laughed softly. "How about we play some uno? Itll be a quick round." Janus suggested, and Remus nodded grabbing the cards. Janus shuffled them, while Remus grabbed the two a juice box.

They got the game set up, and started to play. It was going fine, Remus had 5 cards, Janus had 6 cards. Janus was nearing winning with 2 cards and 4 cards for Remus.

Remus smirked and placed down a plus 4 card. Janus placed down another plus 4 card. Remus placed one last plus 4 card. "Wait- No!" Janus frowned, "Draw 12 cards, Janny." Remus smirked. Janus sadly sighed and defeately grabbed 12 cards. The round ended with Remus winning.

💛 Yellow is a Happy Color. 💚 Demus.✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon