Chapter 17 - hopefully the end.

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A/N: oh my gosh i hate this book so much. :) h e l p m e. uhhh..


Janus let Remus do whatever he wanted to his room, was it a bad idea? Yes, yes it was. Was Remus happy, yes, yes he is. Janus knew he couldn't undo all the.. random red splotches in Remus' room, because he had let Remus paint, only if he didn't spill on the floor, (He didn't, thankfully.) but he should've added one more rule, don't make it psychotic. But Janus took the red splotches, as symbolizations because thinking that it's blood makes his stomach urk.

Janus put stickers in the living room of hobbies, things, and creatures that all the sides like to make them feel included, sorta. But now it looked ugly, because MCR stickers don't go well with dogs, so he just.. took off the Edgy Virgil stuff and replaced it with storm clouds. He smiled at the theme of colors, Light blue, red, purple, blue, green & yellow. Satisfied with the stickers, he went to the kitchen and realized, "woah, we have shit food."  They had like soup, and crackers. Felt like they were in the middle of an apocalypse except the person he was stuck with mixed rat tails in their tomato soup for texture.

Janus liked to think of Remus of a witch, a witch with very bad hygiene and they were too scared to do anything too evil. Remus is like a sissy witch, but dear god knows what Remus thinks of him, other than that time Janus dressed up as Scooby Do, but Patton took his collar. "Anus, come here, I added something in my room to remind me of you."  Janus sighed, and walked to Remus' room.

When Janus walked into his room, he was pleasantly surprised to see a Yellow snake, like the little emblem, on Remus' wall. "Its your pin because it always reminds me of you.." Aw how sweet, "..Because you're two faced. You're either nice or mean." There it is. Remus snickered, "Oh, how pleasant. Its the thought." Janus rubbed his temples, "Aw, hey, I was joking, you baffon." Remus said, and gave the yellow side a hug, "Can't you tell? I'm laughing so hard right now." Janus sarcastically pointed to his face, he had a straight face. "Your face is straighter than me." Remus smirked, "I-I mean- Same??" he laughed as Remus pulled away.

"Aren't you going to paint your room like edgy black. Because you literally wear basically black, you walmart Virgil." Janus started to laugh again, "Nah, I'm painting it grey." He joked, "You better be joking, because grey is so ug-" Janus shushed him with his finger, "I'm joking. For someone who jokes a lot, you don't get jokes, do you?" Janus grinned, "Okay, rude." Remus rolled his eyes. 

Janus walked to his room, and moved stuff away from his walls so he can paint, finding a bunch of stuff that are years old. He found some broken presents, one was a glass snake that Virgil gave to him back in 2008, he remembers when he bumped into his dresser and the thing fell and broke, he looked everywhere but behind the dresser.

He found another thing, an old picture from before the sides were split into 2 labels. Janus smiled, Roman stood in the middle, Logan on the left of Roman, Patton on the left of Logan, Remus on the right to Roman, Virgil on the right to Remus and then Janus next to Virgil. (And for all you people who don't know right and left.. <Pointing Left. >Pointing right!) 

He threw away a bunch of trash, but he came across his diary, "Holy crap." he winced at the dried blood on it, he flipped to random pages, "Oh boy, I was overdramatic, wasn't I?" he sadly smiled, he flipped to some recent pages, "Oh boohoo.." he ridiculed himself. He's glad that he's gotten better but its obviously going to haunt him forever, physically and mentally, and it's not truly gone, it doesn't just leave in a snap. He still has a tiny grudge against both Remus and Logan.

Remus for reading this without his permission (granted, he would've never gotten where he his right now.)

And Logan for getting him an therapist without his consent. (which granted, also helped.)

Janus snuck outside, because he didn't want to show Remus the Diary again because he knows he's gonna be curious. Janus walked into his imagination, sorta bland, and grabbed some Matches, this is gonna be fun  he threw his book on the ground and started the match and threw it on the book, he liked seeing the burn but it ended fast when he heard Remus, he kicked the burning book off of the hill, he forgot he lefts Remus into his Imagination whenever, "Janus?" He saw Remus, "Hello, I thought I saw like, an Animal out here. It was nothing." Janus said, fast. "Oh, okay. Uhhh, I thought you were painting your room, what color? Patton is too excited, he's acting like he saw a di-" Janus coughed, "Tell him it's a secret."

They got out of the imagination and Janus walked to his room, he cleared away more stuff from his walls, it was actually difficult, because Janus wasn't all that strong. He threw away a l o t of pictures, more than he liked to admit. When he finally moved everything from his wall, he grabbed the paint and poured the paint into the painting tray, the color is one of his favorite colors. He sighed, second thoughts of painting. 

Time Skip :)

Janus finally got done painting his room after 2 hour and an hour of procrasination, he's not a very arts and crafts person. He is more of a, "You do whatever you want, don't kill each other or don't get caught." person. Which is why Remus' room is a mess with failed projects involving slime from 2016. His room is yellow, a brighter yellow.

                                            because yellow is a happy color.

A/N: Alright? I think I'm done editing this book until Halloween for a Halloween special. What are you guys dressing up as? I'm going as Richie Tozier or Nyo!Canada from Hetalia(please don't laugh.) I really hope it doesn't get cancelled. 

Also, did yall hear that Benji was innocent from the recent drama he was in, my man is the victim,  as Gabbie Hanna once said, "I AM THE FU***** VICTIM."

Word Count: 1069.

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