Chapter 3

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Tw: same as last chapter basically  :(

Deceit woke up in his bed, he stayed there for around 30 minutes before he eventually got up. He rubbed his eyes. Every day he debated whether to go to Emiles Therapy Sessions, but the idea of letting someone else deal with his problem made him shiver; anyways, Emile was probably busy with Remy 90% of the time.

Deceit went to the kitchen to grab a tiny snack that he would call breakfast; yes, he ate, just not a lot. It all matter how much Carolies he gained, he limited it to under 900; which wasn't alot.. Deceit grabbed some berries, he was never a fan of blueberries, but strawberries and blueberries weren't too bad. Deceit looked at the food, rubbing his forehead. He remembered passing out from pure panic.

He wanted to talk to Virgil but he couldn't, he couldnt seem to do it, he probably left because of him. Deceit turned his head to face Remy who came back, "As someone who's 'sleep', you never get any sleep." Deceit smirks, telling Remy who has a pinkity drinkity in his hand, "Ohh come on. I still get sleep, just not the reccomended amount that Logan and Emile tell me." Remy grinned, they both turn to Remus who just woken up, "Yo, what's happening?" Remus asked, curious what they were talking about. "Eh, stuff, sleep. Not much. Deceit, did you already eat breakfast, that's not  a lot" Remy says, walking towards Deceits plate.

"O-Oh! Yeah, I ate the majority of it. It was toast with guacamole. Then I'm eating these." Deceit said, convincingly enough. Remy nods. Remus realizes Deceit was here and remembers their previous encounter. Deceit though Remus was sleeping at Roman? Why was he here? "Remus, I thought you were spending time at the light sides, why back so soon?" Deceit asks, Remus looks to the side, "Ah, we got into an argument." He wasnt lying presay, he told half of the truth. The real reason was cause Remus started to talk about how worried he was about Deceit, then Roman said to mind his business and they couldnt spend quality time together without him talking about someone else. The  arguments started and Remus went back around 12am; when Deceit was passed out.

"Oh, okay... sorry" Deceit said, mumbling the sorry, apologizing for their last encounter, which Remus didnt hear. Deceit ate the rest of his fruits and put the plate on the dirty side while Remy and Remus chatted.

Deceit yawned into his hand, "Hey, Deceit, have you been sleeping good? You're eyes are.. really baggy." Remy said, concerned, also knowing it was hypocritical. Deceit looked a smiled, "Oh, yeah.. I have.. I dont know why I have bags...!" He said, more unconvincingly then his other lie. Remus stared at him with skeptical eyes but nodded, he'd talk to him later. "So... I heard theres a life or death situation going on with Thomas; I mean his friend..." Remy spoke after a too long silence.

"What?! What's going on?!" Deceit said, worried, and Remus hummed in a equal worrisome. "Apparently, Thomas friend, (So I'm not on use real person but my oc!) Marylin. Marylin is in a bad.. mindset, I guess, and Marylin told Thomas in private about her problems, she told him, 'if you tell someone or get me quote on quote HeLp I will no longer be friends with you.' So, now hes confused." Remy said, simply. Deceit took it into consideration if he should help or not. Remy got a text from Emile, "Okay, well ima go. Just don't like.. screw up anything. Later' " Remy said, going to Emiles.

Deceit looked at Remus, "Hey.. So uh, Sorry about yesterday.." Deceit finally spoke, drinking a sip of a coffee Remy gave him. Remus nodded, "I'm also sorry; I almost never get physical- that's a lie, I'm not physical to my friends. I dont know what happened to me." Remus responds, Deceit laughs at his lying statement. Remus snickered. "Its alright.." Deceit said, rubbing his arm, which stirred suspicion from Remus.

"Whys your sleeve tinted red?" Remus asked, looking at his crimson sleeve. Deceit laughs dryly, "O-Oh! Its  nothing.. uhhh, Kool-Aid?" Deceit said, lying. "We dont have Kool-Aid. Deceit, are you alright? Did you like.. cut your arm- on something. Or got a bloody nose?" Remus asked, Deceit hesitated, "Uh.. Yeah a bloody nose.. hit my nose of my bed frame..?" He said, really uncertain. Remus got closer to Deceit, "If so, can you show me your arm?" Deceit quickly shook his head, "..No! No! It's okay really." Deceit quickly spoke, getting up from his seat. "Deceit, this is the last time I'll ask, but, you know I won't judge you.." Remus smiled, comfortably to make him feel safer, after sensing the panic and anxiety. Deceit looked around, rubbing his arm. He felt safer, but he wasnt sure.. Remus looked at him patiently, was he going to tell everyone- no, Remus may be 'intrusive' but he isnt a terrible person.

Deceit sighed, "S-Sure.. Dont tell anyone, please.." and Remus nodded, walking towards the couch. Deceit walked over too and sat next to him. "Just wondering; why do you want to know?" Deceit asked, curious. "I want to know you're safe. Show me whenever you're ready." Remus flashed him a comforting smile. Deceit took a few seconds, and anxiously laughed before pulling his sleeve up a bit. Remus gasped at the neat cuts and then s few ridged ones. "I-" Remus got cut off by Deceit getting called and sent to where the light sides are.

Deceit spawned in the middle and he quickly pulled down his sleeve, to his pleasure, nobody noticed."Uhmm.. Yeah?" Deceit said, feeling nervous for once, which he received a snicker from Roman.

"We need your help with Thomas.." Virgil said, looking down. They never needed his help, ever. He smiled, "But it's important"

A/N ight busters, LESGOO WORDCOUNT: 1000

💛 Yellow is a Happy Color. 💚 Demus.✔जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें