Chapters 15 - Snake=Main Character.

426 29 18

TW: nothing ok


Janus got up from the couch, "I think I'm going to go and sleep. I sorta need it." he stretched. Remus' face was unreadable. Remus got up, "Okaayyyyy." he walked up to Janus and snaked (pun intended) his arms around Janus' waist. Janus smiled, "Cuddle meee." Remus mumbled, and Janus sighed, smiling. "Finee. Your room or mine?" he asked. "The livingroom is a lot warmer." Remus said, it is true. Theu did have a warm livingroom.

Remus let go of him and grabbed his hand and walked to the couch again. They laid down, the livingroom smelt like burnt poptarts. It was not a fun smell but they'd survive; Remus liked the smell.

A few minutes later, they are situated. Janus felt himself drifting off to sleep. Remus was still awake. It was around 11pm. Remus ran his fingers through Janus' hair. He was thinking of how his brother rarely acknowledged him. He wanted to be something to him.

Remus moved Janus off of him. He went to his room and wrote a letter to Roman,

yo dweeb, we have to hangout more.
I miss ya and us hanging out. hope you care enough
-your better half.

Remus smiled at the letter and put it in a weird red envelope. He rose up and slid the letter under Roman's door, "Ugh, it's too warm up here." Remus whispered as he went back down. Remus went to Janus' room and feed his snake. He has been fed but Remus was bored, "There you go, lil snake. I forgot what I named you.." he murmured.

Remus left Janus' room, and went to the kitchen and ate a few pickles. Remus looked at the time, "12:25? Oh well." Remus walked back to the couch and put Janus back on him. Then he fell asleep.

Time Skip to next morning.

Remus woke up first to a letter on a table, it was Green. Janus was still asleep. Remus reached to the letter and opened it.

I'm not a dweeb, you are. and sure. but let's talk
in person. we dont live in 1801. :)
-your actual better half.

Remus snickered at last part, "He wishes." Remus mumbled. Janus began to wake up, "Oh right, life. What time is it?" Janus asked, sitting up, and moving off of Remus. "Uhhh, 9:05, pretty early.." Remus said. Janus nodded in agreement. "I'm gonna hangout with Roman today, hopefully." Remus said, "Cool..." Janus yawned.

"I'm probably just gonna stay here. I don't think Thomas is gonna have any problems today, or involves me." Janus said, getting up and stretching. "You're boring." Remus joked, "Oh haha." he playfully rolled his eyes. "I fed your little rat snake." Remus told him, "Hes not a rat, you're a rat." Janus smiled.

"All he does is slither and eat. He doesn't pay taxes." Remus said, texting his brother. "Remus, I don't know what to tell you, you don't pay taxes either. Thomas does." Remus gasped, "I help him work to make money to pay taxes- and other stuff." Janus shrugs, "Eh, I guess you are a creativity." Janus walked to his room.

"I'm going to take a shower!" He yelled to Remus, "Okay, tell your rat I hate him." Remus left. Janus went up to his snake, "Remus says you're cute and he loves you." Janus smiled, his snake looked at him, and hissed.

"Rude." He said as he went to the bathroom.

A/N: sorry it took so long to get this out. What should the snakes new name be? I just got my PC back but I'm using the phone. Subscribe to my chamnel: @macorni.

I dont know what else to stay. I havent seen all ur comments cuz I had 100+ notifications.. I haven't been on wattpad since June 17th. I forgot I had a book.

Thanks for 3.2k Reads! I appreciate it!!! AAAAA!! ♡♡♡♡ thank u ma'am, sir, whatever you prefer ♡.

Word Count: 700.. I usually do 1000 I'm sorry it's so short :(. I'll try better next time lol. also idc how many times u guys comment, whatever chapter. I love reading the comments. had to republish it. sorry for the inconvenience lol

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