Part 12

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TW: Panic attack, anorexia/bullima, scars, a tiny bit of blood.

3rd POV:

Janus got up, as sneaking away from his room to the bathroom, those candy have to come up some way. The Sides don't need to eat, but the lack of food could affect the mental state negatively, and your stomach will hurt, but you wont die. Janus leaned over the toilet and took off his left gloves and stuck his finger down his throat, throwing up. Mostly orange juice and stomach acid, he hissed in discomfort. 

Someone knocked on the bathroom door, "Hey? Is Remus in here?" It was Roman, "Uh, no. He's in my room." Janus said, in a scratchy voice, "Deceit? He's in your room? I wonder why..." he said, in a teasing voice, "Oh pleassssee. Just go get your brother." Janus spoke in a jokingly voice to not come off too harsh but his voice was scratchy, sounded sarcastic. Janus heard a little mhm.

Janus sighed, he wiped his mouth, and flushed the toilet. He cupped water and spat it out, and brushed his teeth, then used some mouth wash. He hated the mouthwash because it was so bitter. Also, it was halfway gone, because Remus thinks its a drink. 

Janus washes his hands, and puts his gloves back on and exits. He looks to the livingroom and sees Roman and Remus chatting, he heads to the kitchen to make some green tea. "Hey Janny!" He heard Remus chirp, Roman is still there, "Oh- Uh, Hi, Remus.." he said, his throat is still burning from the throw up. "Whatcha making?" Remus asked, "Tea. But you don't like tea, you should finish the mouth wash." Janus said, wanting that mouthwash to disappear, "Its too minty. I could try some tea, could Roman have some." Janus looked at Roman and nodded, "Yeah, sure. I swear, I'm going to get rid of that mouthwash." Roman smiled, "Thanks, I never really have tea." Janus nods.

Janus finishes the tea and pours it into 3 cups/mugs idk, Remus sips it, "Ew, is this what normal people drink?!" Roman laughs, Janus nods, smirking, "Yep, this is what we drink. Sorry we don't find the tasteful satisfaction in... a raw meat milkshake..?" Roman sticks his tongue out in disgust, "I guess I'm not a tea person." he says, Janus nods, sipping his. "You guys truly don't have good taste." He smirked, "Anyways, do you two want pancakes or..?" he asked.

Roman didn't really know that they ate normal food, mostly because.. well, Remus is Remus, and Janus is a snake. "Oh, sure." Roman nodded, "Make mine burnt." Remus asked, Janus hummed a mhm. Then.. Remy came into the image, he walked into the kitchen, looking for Janus.

"Hey, Janus? Could I talk to you?" Remy asked, "Uhm, yeah, hold on. Remus, could you flip the pancakes?" Janus asked, "Ill try." Remus smirked, obviously not going to try. Janus handed Remus the spatula, Remy grabbed Janus' hand, and went to Janus' bedroom. Remy went to his dresser drawer, and grabbed the bloody knife out, Janus immediately froze.

"Whats this about?" Remy asked, Janus didn't speak, he fidgeted with the cuffs of his sleeves. "Janus, respond to me, please?" Janus sighed, "A knife that I used." he murmured, "Recently? Because it sure as hell looks recent." He said, with a soft tone but it sounded so cold to Janus. Remy waited for a response, "I-I.. uh.." he stuttered, "Janus! Just tell me the truth! This is serious!" He yelled.

Remus' POV:

Me and Roman were chatting, "For the dark side, it's pretty nice here." Roman said, I disliked the Light and Dark side metaphor. "Yeah, Janus usually cleans." I shrugs, "Don't you help?" Roman asked, "..Janus usually makes me clean a little. But he always insists on cleaning the rest, I don't know why. I ask him about it, and he changes the topic. The only relatively close answer I got was him saying he wants me to relax? I don't know why." I say, remembering when Janus cleans, and him saying I'm fine, "Oh, you should try to surprise him by cle-" then Remy yelled, "Janus! Just tell me the truth! This is serious!" I looked at his door, puzzled, but I don't go near it. Roman does the same, "Jeez, I wonder what they'll yelling about." he mumbles, I nod.

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