Chapter 10 - Therapy

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A/N: I may write Remus a bit more sympathetic in this one because I'm reading a book and it's desleep and i'm still not used to demus no more- but i still love demus :) hehe, anyways watch that video up above.

TW: Self Harm mentions, therapy(?), attempt mentions, Amazing World of Gumball spoilers sorta(?) and Avatar: The Last Airbender spoilers. enjoy !!!


Janus felt himself stir when he heard a ding from his phone, "Hrrng.." He mumbled, sitting up, feeling Remus pulling him back down, Remus seems satisfied with his dream, must've been a nightmare to Janus, but a good dream to Remus. Janus snatched his phone as he fell down and Remus held him tighter.

EmilePecan: Hello, Deceit, or Janus !! :)

TotallyDeceit: Oh, um hi, Janus is fine.

EmilePecan: Still ready for your Therapy session at 1pm?

TotallyDeceit: uh yeah... I guess.. When does it end?

EmilePecan: 2pm, because I have another paitent at 2:15. :)

Janus frowned, he didn't want to be the cause of Emile overworking himself, that pained him. He sighed.

TotallyDeceit: Try not to overwork yourself, I can reschedule..?

EmilePecan: Oh no! It's quite alright, no, I'm not going to reschedule you sneaky snake ! :)

TotallyDeceit: Alright, whatever you say, Pecan Pie. 

Janus sighed, again. He wasn't looking forward to it. He was hoping it gets cancelled somehow, he isn't in the mood to talk and 'relate' to some show. The only show he could relate to ws 13 Reasons Why, mostly the suicide part. But thats not a cartoon, sadly, and gladly. Remus began to stir awake. "Mmm, Jann?" He forgot that they know his name now, "Yessss?" he hissed, good heartedly. "What time is it?" Janus grabbed his phone, "10:46 AM." Remus groaned, "That's too early, you can stay awake, January." He mumbled, shoving his face into Janus' pillow, "Thus pillow smells like you." He said, "Creepy much? I also cant tell if thats good or no." Remus looked at him, "Um, good. This smells like your disgusting tasting lavender shampoo." he frowned but smiled again, "It's not to eat." He laughed softly.

"Isn't lavender food?" Remus asked, "Anything is food if you put your mind to it." Janus said, than slapping his mouth, "I'm being diseased by you!" Janus yelled, pointing at Remus, which he recieved a snicker. "I'm undesirable!" He fell dramatically, not knowing Janus' arm was under Remus, "Ow-!" Janus yelled, trying to pull his away, "Oh crap sorry!" Remus sat up, Janus rubbed his scar filled arm, "I-It's fine." He smiled reassuringly.

"Whatever you said, Double D." Janus turned red, "Ew, don't call me that." Rermus smirked, "Okay, J-Anus." Janus groaned, and got up, "Nooo don't leaveeeee." Remus whined, Janus did an L sign with his hands, "Loser." He joked, "Hide your face or whatever so I can change." He said, Remus raised a brow, "But, I bet you look sexy with no shirt and pants." Janus choked, "Remus! Noo.." He was red, "I'm sorta scary and scar-y under this." He frowned, "The way you look is not an issue, your body is imperfectly perfect." Remus said, which was unlike Remus to give motivational phrases, Janus smiled. "T-Thanks, odd, but thanks."

"No problem Anus." He smirked, "Dang, that was a nice moment." Usually, Janus would snap his fingers and be in different clothes but he felt more weak at the moment. Janus took off his shirt, Remus looked at frowned at his scar dotted arms and chest. Remus hid his face to make Janus more comfortable. Janus got done changing a minute later, "Okay, I'm good." He smiled, Remus looked, "Cute." Janus was wearing a Black stripped yellow sweater, and some grey pants. His usual yellow gloves and black hat, "Its just a different shirt." Janus sat on his desk chair, while Remus sat on Janus' bed, "Still cute." Janus rolled his eyes playfully and checked his phone, 11:13 AM. "I have to go at 1.." Janus said, "Why?" Janus looked away, obviously embarrassed and ashamed.

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