Guilt and a Lonely Boy

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Inho pasted on a big smile, and leaned in to whisper to Connor as if he had a secret joke to share, "Listen you little shit," he hissed in Connor's ear, "I know exactly what you're doing, and where I come from, we treat our elders with respect, or we get our asses beat. So how bout you shut your fucking mouth before I knock that smug smile off your pretty face?"

Inho leaned back with a wide smile (genuine this time), and laughed loudly, keeping up the charade that they had shared a fun moment, "Smile you little bitch," he added under his breath.

Connor put on a sickly smile, then got up abruptly and went to the bathroom.

Inho turned back to the others, feeling more relaxed, "So, Tavy, I think Stephen told me you're a doctor?"

"Yes," Tavy answered, he had a very blunt and direct way of speaking, "Alanna and I are both doctors. We met in medical school, though I have a private practice neural ophthalmologist now, and she is an anesthesiologist at the hospital."

Inho blinked, he had no idea what those terms meant, and he felt a little out of his depth. Stephen's friends were all so...

"Don't worry Inho," Blaire, the man with the Australian accent said with a grin, "We're not all disgusting over-achievers."

Luis laughed, "Shut up Blaire, you're a lawyer."

Blaire laughed, "Ugh don't tell him that, he'll hate me," he winked at Inho, "besides, I'm just an independent, I work from home. No suits and big bucks for me."

"Yes, the suits we leave to Stephen." Luis chuckled.

"Which is smart," Stephen added as he walked back into the room, "'Cause I look so damn good in them." He sat down next to inho a little too abruptly, and the drink he was sipping sloshed onto his hand. "Oh no," he added, licking the liquid from his thumb, "That was like twenty dollars I just spilled."

"Is Cris sneaking you the good stuff again? That stingy jerk," Blaire complained, folding his arms.

"Pfft, I'm not going to waste Hibiki 17 on you peasants," Cris had rejoined them as well, "I've seen Luis' boxed wine collection."

"I am not ashamed!" Luis chirped cheerily, "And, I don't want your bougie whiskey anyway!"

They were all laughing and arguing good-naturedly, and Connor hadn't come back from the bathroom. Inho kept a small smile on his face, but the conversation felt a bit pretentious.

Stephen put his arm around Inho and squeezed him lightly. He must have been drinking plenty in the kitchen because he smelled like liquor now too, and his usual teasing smile was softened into one that was all simple warmth. Inho wished they were alone. He hadn't really seen Stephen drunk before, and he seemed like the type that got all lovey.

"Do you want to try?" Stephen asked, offering the heavy crystal tumbler.

"Um, I'm okay," Inho replied, he had no idea what expensive whiskey was supposed to taste like.

"Go on," Cris goaded suddenly, with a slight narrowing of his eyes "You won't find this anywhere else. It's discontinued."

Stephen squeezed his shoulder again, and Inho agreed just to be polite. Suddenly, they were all watching him, and he shifted uncomfortably.

Inho took the glass from Stephen's hand and sipped. It tasted like any other hard alcohol to him, but he was nervous, so when the burn hit his throat he choked lightly. Stephen took the glass back and patted leg.

"Ah, just like the others," Cris announced, then slid an overfilled glass of wine into Inho's vacant hand, "Do they not drink whiskey in...where were you from again?"

"Korea," Inho answered when he finished coughing, "And, uh, I mostly just drank Soju there."

"Korea, right! Oh man, what's that band? The big one – now that you say it, you totally look like one of those kpop boys. BTS right? You guys know it right?"

"Everyone knows BTS, Chris," Blaire said dismissively, "Stop being a cock."

"What, how is that being a cock?"

Stephen turned to Inho and spoke quietly, "It's so nice having you here," he was looking at Inho like he was the only person in the world, "Everyone I like is here right now." He smiled without a hint of artifice, and Inho's chest squeezed. For a moment he forgot about his discomfort with everything so far. "Except Alana, "Stephen added, "She's coming later. You'll like her though, she's delightful."

Inho doubted it– if she was anything like Chris or Connor. The others seemed okay, but...even though he knew they were just laughing at a stranger's drama, it felt gross when they laughed about Jamie getting fired.

Stephen looked around, "Where's Connor?"

"Bathroom, I guess," Inho answered innocently.

"Ah, thanks for letting me bring him," Stephen addressed the others now as well, "He's kinda annoying, but the poor kid has zero support back home. You guys probably remember how my brother treated me when I came out. He completely disowned me. And, kicked my ass too."

The others nodded, sagely. "He seems like a nice boy. Shame to have such a father," Tavy commented, "He really worships you though, doesn't he?"

Stephen grimaced, "Yeah, I don't really know how to deal with it. I'm not used to teens. He has a rough road ahead of him though, and I should try to be a little nicer," he turned to Inho, "I should have told him you were coming too. I forgot, and I think he's hurt to not be getting all my attention."

Connor came back in just then, and Stephen fell silent. Connor sat in a corner chair to pout. His eyes were red-rimmed, and Inho felt a pang of guilt. Connor was just a lonely sad kid being possessive of his cool uncle, and Inho hadn't needed to be so mean.

"Are you having a good time?" Stephen whispered when a new conversation picked up. He gave Inho a little kiss on the temple.

Inho leaned into Stephen's arm, feeling guilty and unhappy, "Yeah, it's fun," he lied.


Who's the dick now? Oh? It's everyone, including Inho?? Hmm...

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