Talk Shit

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By noon, Inho still hadn't replied, so Stephen agreed to get brunch with Chris and Blaire to take his mind off it. The hangover persisted, and when he and Connor joined the others at a packed brunch spot, the clink of cutlery and cheerful patron chatter pounded in Stephen's skull. Connor insisted on wearing sunglasses indoors to hide his puffy eyes from the night before.

"How do you have a hangover, aren't you like twelve?" Chris demanded jovially, jostling Connor's arm as he took the seat next to him.

Connor's lip curled into a sneer, but for once he didn't snap back, simply answering, "Ugh," and angling his body away from Chris.

Once orders were placed, and menus taken away, Chris turned his attention on Stephen, "So your boy left in a huff last night, huh. What's his deal?"

Stephen frowned, "I'm hoping you guys can tell me. I got part of it, but I don't want to confront him again until I know the rest."

"I don't think I was aware of much of it," Blaire said, "What did he say?"

"Well, we were fooling around a bit in the kitchen, and Alanna walked in."

"Gross," Connor commented, sipping his orange juice.

"Shut up, Connor," Stephen accepted a caesar from the server. He paused and glanced at Connor, "Sorry. Anyway, Alanna walked in and made some joke about him being a bottom, and he didn't care for that."

"That's it? He left over that?" Chris drained half his mimosa in a single swig, "What a drama queen."

Stephen's eyes narrowed, "It wasn't just that, there was more."

"He probs didn't like being called K-pop either," Blaire chimed in, "That part I caught."

Chris shrugged defensively, "It's just a fun nickname, I was being friendly."

"It's pretty racist," Connor interjected suddenly. Stephen got the vibe the teen didn't like Chris, and he was starting to share the sentiment. "Not all Koreans like k-pop you know."

Blaire nodded in agreement, and Chris rolled his eyes, "You're exaggerating."

"What about you?" Stephen asked, remembering details from Inho's complaints. He turned an unyielding stare on Connor, who flinched, "What were you telling people about his English being bad?"

Chris cackled, and Connor sank into his chair a little, "He said he was studying English. I was trying to help."

"Wow, the lies on this kid," Chris laughed, "You were definitely going after him. What do you have a weird uncle fetish or something? You had a complete tantrum about it too."

Stephen sighed, preparing to tell Chris off. He'd always been the type to say inflammatory things, but he was somehow way worse lately?

Connor flushed, "I don't! You're just saying that 'cause you're still in love with my uncle, but you're just an ugly loser and a creepy old man!"

Blaire choked at this and sprayed orange juice onto the table.

"Okay, that's enough," Stephen said, head pounding harder by the second, "Chris, stop saying weird shit."

Chris laughed inanely and shrugged again.


Connor shifted in his chair under Stephen's scrutiny, "I wasn't trying to hurt him. I was just picking on him a little. He's older than me, it's different than when Chris does it. Besides he was dishing it at me too."

"It won't happen again," Stephen instructed him. It was not a question, but he stared at Connor until he acknowledged it.

"It won't. At least not the English thing, that was kinda shitty."

"I'm sorry, what?"

"It won't happen again, jeez. Stop staring at me." Connor's tone was plaintive and he slid down in his seat. Stephen nodded once and turned his attention to the pickled beans candied bacon in his drink.

"So, what happened with his ex-girlfriend?" Chris asked in a sudden shift.

"Hmm, that could have been what upset him too you know," Blaire added, "We laughed at the story, but mostly because it was shocking," he paused thoughtfully, "If they're still close, he would probably be quite offended."

"They're not close," Stephen's heart beat a little faster when he said it.

"Are you still firing her?" Chris prodded.

"I'm not firing her, she's getting fired for something else." His caesar tasted a little sour now.

"But you had something to do with it right?" more prodding.

Stephen's conscience twinged more sharply, "That's not relevant."

Chris laughed again, downing a second mimosa that had been dropped off, "Better keep that part to yourself. He won't like it, paired with your...history."

Stephen's stomach dropped – a nasty mix of anger and fear curling up his spine. His voice lowered dangerously, "What history is that?"

"You know the one."

"Did you say something to him?" Stephen's tone was ice.

"I don't have to hide it," Chris explained with a bright smile, "You're the one that cheated. Sharing the truth was part of how we maintained our friendship after all right?"

Blaire grimaced, "Mates, this isn't the p–"

"Are you still going on about that? It's been years Chris. Why now?"

Chris shrugged and grinned, "He's the first one you brought to meet us, I guess."

Stephen stood up abruptly. What must Inho be thinking? He masked his mounting concern with contempt. His lip curled in a sneer of distaste directed at Chris. "Connor we're going," He pulled out his wallet.

Connor looked at him startled, "What? The food hasn't come yet, what's happening?"

Stephen dropped a pair of hundreds on the table, "This should cover it. And, Chris, just 'cause the drinks are expensive doesn't mean you're not still an alcoholic."

He turned and walked out. Connor scrabbled after him.


Sprinkled Donuts, why is Chris such a shit? Is Connor on to something? Vote and answer in the comments <3

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