Chapter 17

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Before I knew it, the bell rang, and it was time to head to the cafeteria. I took a deep breath in, got up, and exhaled as I gathered up my stuff. I made my way through the crowded halls, taking my time, not rushing as I'd had in the past. I didn't want to deal with Aaron or Easton. Blakely was waiting for me outside the cafeteria doors.

"You okay, Chelsi?" Blakely asked, opening the door.

"I think so..." My voice trailed off as I caught a glimpse of Easton walking away from Savannah.

We walked in, looked around, then headed to our table. I wasn't that hungry, but I knew I needed to eat something.

"Chelsi?" Easton said, walking up behind me.

"What, Easton?" I snapped, keeping my eyes on the salad bar.

"Why are you acting this way? I thought everything was better."

"Gee, I don't know. Maybe, I'm getting tired of looking like a complete dumbass when it comes to you." I snapped, slamming my bowl down on the counter.

"Is he bothering you, Chelsi?" Aaron said, walking up beside me.

My head slumped down as an exasperated sigh escaped my mouth. "I definitely don't feel like dealing with you right now." I raised my head, staring up at Aaron. "What are you doing over here? Shouldn't you be with Emily?" 

"She's fine," Easton said, glaring at Aaron. "She obviously doesn't want you around."

"Well, from what I heard, she doesn't want you around either. So, why don't you follow your own advice and leave her alone?" Aaron criticized.

"I will when you walk away." Easton stepped in closer to Aaron. "So, if you want me to leave her alone, I suggest you walk away now."

"Why don't you both stay here and I'll walk away." I threw my hands up, turning to walk back over to Blakely. I sat down, resting my head in my hands, wishing I was home in my room, away from both of them.

"Come on, Chelsi. Let's get out of here." Blakely said, tugging on my arm.

"Where are we going?" I asked, lowering my arms. "We can't go home."

"We can go outside to get away from them." She grabbed my book bag out of the chair next to me.

I got up, not looking anywhere but in front of me. I didn't care where either of them had gone as long as it wasn't around me at the moment. Aaron was with me but decided I wasn't enough for him and cheated on me with Emily. Now, all of a sudden, he's worried about me. He should've thought about that before he decided to check her temperature with his tongue. As for Easton, he's more like Aaron than I anticipated. I thought I saw something different in him, but I was wrong. I was beginning to realize that asking Easton for his help was not the smartest thing to do.

I didn't even ask Blakely where we were headed; I continued to follow her out of the cafeteria doors. The next thing I knew, we walked out of the school's front doors and the parking lot. I stopped in my tracks at the edge of the parking lot, watching Blakely walk toward our cars. I stood there for a few minutes, watching her before realizing I wasn't walking with her anymore.

She stomped back to get me, tugging my arm to keep walking with her. "Come on, Chelsi, before they realize you aren't sick." She mumbled.

"What? What did you tell them?" I planted my feet again, not budging.

"I told them you weren't feeling good and that I would take you home. They said for me to drive you and that you could leave your car here. I figured we would come back later to get your car when everyone in the office is gone." She smiled, opening the passenger door.

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