Chapter 27

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We arrived back at my house a little later than usual because of after-game traffic. Easton pulled in front of the house, and I pulled up into the drive. I quickly turned my car off, pulled down my visor, and checked my makeup and hair. I knew my makeup and hair hadn't changed from the time we left the stadium. I was stalling, but I didn't know why. I got out of the car and made sure it was locked before walking over to Easton's car. Once he saw me walking toward him, his eyes didn't move away from me, making me even more nervous. I prayed that a clump of grass wouldn't jump up and attack me, causing me to fly into the yard because, knowing my luck, that would happen. I could see it now, I'd be walking along, trying to look sexy, and the next minute I'd be sprawled out on the grass.

The minute I opened the passenger door, Easton asked me where I wanted to go get something to eat. I didn't want to sound like every other girl in the world, but it didn't matter where we went because I wasn't all that hungry. Besides, he just got done playing football, so he should have the right to choose where he wanted to eat. So, I stuck with the famous typical girl answer and told him it didn't matter where we went to eat. He asked me again, and I stayed with my original answer. 

He pulled away from the house and headed toward the crazy Friday night traffic. It was rather exciting not knowing where he was taking me. I had a feeling he was going to take me for a cheeseburger and fries, which was fine with me. 

"Thanks for coming to the game tonight. I know it must have been awkward for you to be there." 

"You're welcome." I looked out in front of us as we whipped in and out of traffic. 

"I heard there's a new place that opened up that's supposed to have fantastic burgers. It's called Trevor's. Have you been there?" 

"Uh, no. I did hear they were really good, though." 

"Are you still wanting to go to Avery's party together next Friday after the game? I remember you saying something about it." 

"Yes." I peeked over at him. 

"Why don't you ride with Blakely next week, and I can take you to the party after the game? If that's okay?" He looked over at me for a second, then returned his focus to the road. He looked good tonight, and I was having a hard time trying not to stare at him. 

 I don't know why he said he'd take me to the party after the game. He knew there wasn't a game next week. Ten minutes later, he pulled into a semi-crowded parking lot that circled a big brownstone building with black paned windows and a big dark red and black sign that read Trevor's. He drove around the side of the building, where it wasn't as crowded, and parked the car. He got out, grabbed that long-sleeved button-down shirt from the back seat, and put it on quickly. I flipped down the visor, checked my makeup quickly, and then got out of the car. 

"Are you ready to go in?" Easton asked, walking around to the back of the car. 

"Sure." I started walking around the car. The closer we got to the building, the more self-conscious I became about what I was wearing. Every couple of steps, I'd look down at my top or my jeans to make sure they weren't too casual for this place. Easton must have noticed because he leaned down and told me that I looked fine. 

He stepped to the side, grabbed the door handle, opened the door for me, then followed right behind me. He was inches from me, and all I wanted to do was lean back against his chest and breathe him in. There was a wooden stand directly in front of us with a couple of girls from school staring at Easton. They were seniors and in my classes. The short one in the middle with the long dark red hair was Alyson, and she was a little bit nicer than Mariah on her right, who had dark brown hair. 

"So, it's true?" Mariah said, walking around from behind the hostess stand. 

"Is what true?" I asked, trying to keep calm. 

"You and Easton." She stood there trading glances between Easton and me. 

"Are you going to seat us, or do I need to ask for your manager and let him know that you are harassing the customers?" Easton asked. 

"Sorry about that. Would you like a table or a booth?" Alyson asked from behind the stand. 

"Booth, please," Easton said as he placed his hand on the small of my back, awakening every nerve in my body. 

We followed Alyson as she led us around the corner and down the aisle to a corner booth. The inside of the restaurant had stained wooden tables, black chairs, and black cushion seats at the booths. A few TVs were placed in different places along the walls or in the corners of the restaurant. 

"Chelsi, sorry about Mariah. I'll make sure she doesn't come over here and bother the both of you," Alyson said. She started to walk away, then turned back around. "Your server will be with you in a few minutes." She walked back down the aisle and disappeared around the corner. 

"Why are girls like that to you?" Easton asked. 

"You mean a bitch?" I looked up from my menu. "I don't know. When I dated Aaron at first, they were like that, then they eventually stopped. But as you can see, they are back to being that way again. Part of it is because I broke up with Aaron and the other...well, you know." 

"So, they are treating you this way because they think I dumped Savannah to be with you." 


"That's fucked up." 

"Tell me about it." I lowered my head and went back to trying to decide what to order. I started to look at the menu when I got a distinct feeling that someone was watching me. I slowly let my eyes drift from the menu across the table, up Easton's shirt, pausing at his lips, wondering what it would be like to kiss them, then to his eyes where our gazes met. I could feel the heat of my embarrassment flood my cheeks. 

"Aaron's a fool." Easton smiled, then looked down at his menu. 

Author's Notes:

I don't know about you, but I think Easton might be falling for Chelsi as well...

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