Chapter 38

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Sam talked about what kind of coffee she would get and asked me what I was going to order. I almost said a Chocolate Cherry Mocha, but I quickly stopped myself before I could get the first syllable out of my mouth. That was the last drink I wanted right now. Every time I've had that drink, disaster quickly followed. So, I thought it was time for something different. 

We were a block away from Lilli's when I glanced in my rearview mirror and saw Gavin and Blakely driving about three car lengths behind me. I couldn't get mad at them because I knew they meant well. I pulled into the parking lot, and my eyes instantly zoned in on Savannah's little red convertible. I parked behind her, and as I sat there staring at the car through my rearview mirror, my grip around the steering wheel tightened; I felt my nails start to dig into my skin, causing me to drop my hands down into my lap. 

I felt a hand on my shoulder. "OH, MY GOD!" I screamed. I was so lost in my thoughts that I had forgotten Sam was in the car with me. 

"Damn it, Chelsi! You scared the shit out of me!" She yelled back, wedged between the seat and the passenger door. 

"I'm sorry; I didn't mean to scare you. I forgot you were in the car, then you touched my shoulder, and it scared me. Let's go get some coffee." I said, turning my attention back to Savannah's car. We got out of the car, and I told Sam to wait a few minutes while I walked over to Gavin's car. 

I started to walk across the short parking lot to Gavin's car and could see them fumbling around with their phones. Gavin's phone must have gone flying down onto the floor because he disappeared for a few minutes, then reappeared with his phone, looking it over. I walked over to the driver's side window as they kept their noses in their phones. I stood there for a few minutes as they swiped through videos on their phone. "Really? You two seriously going to sit in there and act like I'm not standing right here?" I yelled through the window. 

Gavin started the car and let the window down. "Hey, we didn't see you there." He smiled. 

"Seriously." I crossed my arms, shifting my weight to my left leg. 

"Dumbass, she knew we were behind her a block before she pulled in," Blakely rolled her eyes at Gavin. 

"What?" He shrugged his shoulders. 

"You need reinforcement?" Blakely asked, getting out of the car 

"Why does she need reinforcement?" Gavin asked, looking confused toward Lilli's. "It's coffee?"

"Savannah is inside, Goober." Blakely rolled her eyes at me. 

"Ohhh..."He put his window up and got out of the car. 

"Hey, when did you two get here?" Sam asked. 

"They followed us here," I said, glancing at the both of them. 

We got to the front door; I reached for the handle, took a deep breath, and opened the door. I wasn't ready for what was on the other side of that door, but I wasn't going to run away anymore. It was about time people met the new Chelsi Brock. I walked in and took a few steps to the side to get out of the way of the door. Savannah and her friends had taken up residence in the back corner booth by the counter, talking to Easton's mom, who was standing at the end of the counter. The longer I stood there watching them, the more I wanted to march over there and tell all of them off. Blakely must have read the expression on my face because she told me whatever it was; I was thinking that she'd back me one hundred percent. Gavin told me he had bail money if we needed it. I turned to look at each of them, then shook my head in disbelief. 

"Chelsi, I didn't expect to see you in here so soon," Mrs. Alexander said, glancing over at us from the end of the counter. She kept her body turned toward Savannah and her friends. Savannah and her friends stopped talking and turned their attention toward us. 

I took a deep breath in and started walking up toward the counter. "No, you probably didn't." I turned my head slowly toward her when I reached the counter. 

"Easton's not here," she pressed her lips together into a fake smile. 

"I know." 

"What can I get you and your friends?"

"You're busy. If you don't mind, could one of your other girls wait on us, please?" I glared over at her. 

"No. Not at all." She motioned one of the other girls over to help us. 

"Nice," Blakely whispered behind me. 

Savannah didn't say a word to us the whole time our drinks were being made, but the minute the girl handed Gavin his drink. "What do you think you are doing here after what happened this morning?" Savannah said from behind us. 

I set my drink down on the counter so I wouldn't be tempted to throw it in her face. "I can come in here if I want." I turned around to face her. 

"I can't believe you honestly thought he liked you over me?" She laughed, scooting out of the booth. "You really are pathetic." 

"Savannah, leave her alone!" Easton yelled from the door.

"I don't need you defending me!" I yelled back. 

"I know you don't," he said, walking up. 

"Chelsi's right. You truly are a bitch. It doesn't matter how pretty you are; your personality makes you ugly. I'm done with you. Get out. We're done." 

"Easton, I can change. I promise I won't say anything to her. I promise." She started to cry.

I stood there watching them, listening to her plead for him not to break up with her, and a tiny part of me genuinely felt sorry for her. But then, I remembered how badly she treated me over the past week, and it quickly faded. I almost found pleasure in watching her suffer and being rejected by Easton. Tomorrow may be a different story, and they would probably end up back together, but I was enjoying her suffering immensely for the time being. Finally, Easton told her again they were through and that it was best if she left. I knew I was probably standing there with a slight smile, enjoying her misery. 

Author's Notes:

Wow!! Let me know what you thought of Easton barging in at the end through the comments and votes. Thanks! A.L.

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