Chapter 22

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I kept looking behind us every few steps, expecting to see red and blue lights flashing. Instead, I could've sworn I heard a few muffled laughs coming from Easton. I couldn't get mad at him because I knew I must have looked crazy, turning around every few minutes. The trail was somewhat clear, but it had a few rough places where I stumbled, trying to keep up with him. The closer we got to the top, the trail disappeared, leaving high grass that you could tell hadn't been walked on much. As we walked up and over the little mountainside, the high blades tickled my ankles. 

"What are we doing up here?" I asked

"This is one of my favorite places to come when I want to get away from everything. Where I can be alone to think." He looked over at me and smiled.

"It's beautiful up here. I can see why you like coming up here." I looked out at the view overlooking Santa Monica. "I bet all the girls have loved being up here with you." 

"I come up here alone." He spread a blanket out on the ground. "I like to sit up here and get lost in my thoughts. You can't really do that at the beach this time of year. I know you are dying to ask me some questions. So, ask away." He sat down on the dark blue blanket. 

"Okay, why did you bring me up here if you like coming up here alone?" I sat down on the blanket. 

His smile disappeared as he looked straight ahead. "Good question. You aren't like the girls at school. I don't know what it is, but I can talk to you. Savannah is beautiful and all, but she's hard to talk to sometimes. Another question?"

"What is your favorite food?" 

"Casseroles," he laughed. "No, seriously, my favorite food is cheeseburgers and fries." 

"Oh my god, me too. I love cheeseburgers and fries. But, basically, anything that isn't a casserole. One more question. Why do you work at a coffee shop?" 

"Another good question." He smiled. "Actually, my parents own Lilli's, and I help out when I'm not at practice." 

"That would answer the question of how you were able to go make us drinks earlier."

We continued to sit under the Hollywood sign overlooking Santa Monica. We talked about the party at Avery's next weekend and the problems we could face between Aaron and Savannah's friends. Either way, we knew someone would cause trouble and needed to be prepared. 

"I should probably get back to the house before my parents get home and see I'm not there." I sighed, not wanting to leave this somewhat perfect moment even if it wasn't real. 

"Yeah, sure." Easton got up. "I need to stop by Savannah's after I drop you off. She texted me a little bit ago." 

"She's still your girlfriend." I forced a smile on my face and then walked back up toward the car. 

"Chelsi, wait!" Easton called after me. "Chelsi!" 

I kept walking because I didn't want to hear any excuses from him. He didn't owe me any explanations or anything. We weren't really dating, and I had to keep reminding myself of that. So, he didn't need to justify his actions to me; he could do whatever he wanted with whoever he wanted. But, on the other hand, I needed the daily reminder that we weren't a couple and that he was free to date whoever, even if that person was Savannah. 

"Chelsi, wait." Easton grabbed my arm. "Will you please stop?" 

"I need to get home." I kept my face turned away from him. 

"What's wrong?" 

"Nothing. I just have to get home, and you need to go see Savannah. You don't want to keep her waiting." I freed my arm from his grasp and kept walking back up to the car. I didn't want him to see me cry. 

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