Chapter 40

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Gavin stopped antagonizing Easton after almost killing Blakely with her water because Easton finally got tired of Gavin's games, got up, and walked out of the cafeteria. I just wanted to go back in time and tell my past self to stay away from Easton Alexander. I'd tell her to run in the opposite direction and not look back. 

"Try to eat something, Chelsi," Gavin said, pushing my plate toward me. 

"I'm not hungry." I looked down at my plate full of carrots, broccoli, and tomatoes. 

"How about if we get something later after school?" He asked. 

"I have to take Sam home." 

"Chelsi, he's talking later, later." Blakely smiled at me, then over at Gavin. 


"You think about it, and let me know after school. I've got to get back to class." He got up from his chair and took my plate of veggies with him. I couldn't help but stare at his hot ass as he walked away from our table. But, of course, I wasn't the only one staring either. 

"Chelsi, don't you dare stand him up. I swear if you do, I'll never speak to you again," She said, still staring at Gavin as he made his way toward the doors. 

"What the hell? I'm not going out tonight." 

"Yes, you are. Gavin is Stupid Hot!" 

"I know he's hot, but we've been friends for years. Besides, he doesn't think of me that way." I got up out of my seat and grabbed my bag. Blakely was out of her mind for thinking that Gavin was interested in me. I couldn't even keep guys like Aaron and Easton interested.


I was hoping by some miracle that Sam would be waiting by the car when I walked out with Blakely after school since we were running late. But she was nowhere to be seen. Then, I remembered that Easton was already at football practice with the rest of the team. This meant I could walk with my best friend and not have to worry about him coming up to me, begging to talk to me, or making me listen to his lame-ass excuses. 

"I really think you should go out with Gavin tonight." Blakely peeked over at me. 

"I should've never asked Easton for help. I would've saved myself so much heartache. How could I've been so damn stupid to think that he actually liked me?" I wiped the corner of my eye.

"I think he had good intentions but got lost in the mess like you did." She wrapped her arm around me. We walked the rest of the way like this to my car. These past few weeks have been an utter nightmare. One that I wish I could go back and erase from existence, but I can't. "When Sam comes out, why don't we go get coffee? My treat. I'll bring you back to your car; then, you can drive home." She smiled. 

"I don't want to go to Lilli's." 

"That place is overrated." She laughed. 

"Speaking of Sam, where is she?" I said, unlocking the car and glancing over the car's roof at the parking lot. 

"Hmm...Good question." She unlocked her car. 

"I swear if she's not out here in five minutes, she can call Mom to come to pick her ass up!" I furiously pecked at my phone as I texted her. A few minutes later, Sam came out a side door with a group of her friends. We stood there and watched them walk each friend to their vehicles, then take at least two minutes to say goodbye to them. Finally, after about the fifth time of doing that, I couldn't take it anymore and yelled at Sam that we needed to go. Blakely and I turned to one another a few times and shook our heads in disbelief. 

"What's the big hurry?" Sam asked. 

"Blakely wants to take us for coffee, or you can stay here and call Mom to come to pick you up." I turned and got in the passenger seat of Blakely's car. 

Sam walked past to get in the backseat and flipped me off. I jumped out of the car. "You can stay here and call Mom to come to pick your ass up! You can tell her why, too. How about I call her right now and tell her why? I get enough shit from other people in this damn school. I'm not going to take it from my little sister! Call Mom! Blakely, do you have time to wait until Mom gets here to pick her up so I can tell her what she did?" I glanced over my shoulder. 

"Yeah, I got time." 

Sam got on her phone and called Mom to come pick her up. I told her that I would explain why when she got there. So Blakely and I waited in the car with the doors open until Mom pulled up beside us twenty minutes later. The minute she pulled into the parking lot, I could tell she wasn't happy about having to come to pick up Sam, seeing I was right here at school and could've taken her home. I got out of the car and walked over to the SUV while Sam got up in the passenger seat. 

"Why did you make Sam call me to come to pick her up, Chelsi?" Mom pressed her lips together. 

"Don't get mad at me. I was going to take her with us until she decided to be an ass. Blakely offered to take us for coffee; Sam over there decided to take fifty years to come out of the school, then another ten years to make her way over to us. I told her to hurry up because we wanted to leave. She walked over and asked me what the big hurry was; I told her why, and she decided to flip me off as she got in the car." 

Mom turned her head slowly over to Sam. "Samantha! I don't blame Chelsi for getting mad at you. But, since you want to disrespect your sister and her friend, you can get picked up by me the rest of the week." 

"Mom!" Sam hollered. 

"Keep it up, and it will be longer. You girls go. I'll see you later at home. Love you." 

"Love you too, Mom." 

"Can you still go get coffee, Blakely?" I asked, sliding down in the passenger seat. 

"Yeah. Let me text my mom real quick." She swiped her phone on. "I'm good to go whenever you're ready to go." She placed her phone down in the console. 

"Where should we go?" 

"Hey, where are you two going?" Gavin asked, pulling up beside us. 

"I thought you already left?" I said, looking around the parking lot, trying to figure out which direction he came from. 

"No, I was in the office taking care of a mixup with my schedule. Where's Sam?" He asked, looking in both cars. 

"She decided to be a bitch, so I had Mom come pick her ass up. So, we can go do whatever. Blakely doesn't have to be home for a while, and I didn't get a time." 

"Where are you going?" 

"Blakely is taking me to get coffee. No, we aren't going to Lilli's either." 

"You need to stay away from that place. His mom isn't exactly the nicest person. No wonder he likes Savannah; she reminds him of his mother." He laughed. 

Blakely started laughing right along with him. I sat there, shaking my head at both of them. I guess I was the only one who didn't see the humor in the joke. But then again, they weren't the ones Easton was making a fool of in front of the entire school. Now that Aaron had stopped harassing me, it was time to rid myself of Easton Alexander for good. 

Author's Note: 

Chelsi may be close to walking away from Easton. I don't think she's going to listen to his excuses anymore. What do you think... 

Let me know in the comments and votes what you think of the chapter. Thanks! Amber

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