Chapter 18

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The next couple of classes passed by in a blur, and I prayed that I didn't miss anything pertinent to homework. Then again, I really didn't give a shit at the moment either. I made my way through the crowded halls, trying to get to my locker. I turned the corner, not paying attention, and bumped into someone, sending my books flying to the floor. Without hesitation, I kneeled and started picking up my books. "I'm so sorry; I bumped into you," I apologized. 

"Chelsi, it's okay. Here, let me get those for you." A familiar voice said. 

I knew; I'd heard the voice before but was having a hard time matching a face with the voice. I tucked my hair behind my ear so it wasn't blocking my view of who helped me pick up my books. 

"Are you okay?" The guy asked. 

" Yeah. Again, I'm sorry I bumped into you." I stood up, my eyes meeting the person next to me. "Dylan..." 

"You've been hanging around Easton lately." I blurted out without thinking how stupid that statement would sound. 

" Yeah, he's cool. I respect a guy who stands up to Aaron and his devout group of dickheads." He grinned, then regret swept in a few seconds later. "Oh, Chelsi, I'm sorry for saying that." The apologies flew at me. 

"Dylan, it's okay. Dylan. Dylan, don't apologize," I kept saying in between his apologetic ramblings. "It's okay. I'm not with Aaron anymore, so I don't care what people say about him. Besides, you are right." 

Dylan was another football player who never really got along with Aaron. Dylan, unlike Aaron, didn't have to intimidate people into liking him. Everyone liked him, and he didn't like it when Aaron and his friends were assholes to people. 

"In that case, I never thought he was good enough for you. You are a great girl. You deserve someone a lot better than Aaron." He smiled, handing me some of my books. 

"Thanks, Dylan." 

"I know he hurt you but he did you a favor in the long run. Well, I have to get to class. Talk to you later, Chelsi."

"Bye." I kept walking to the cafeteria, knowing Blakely would be waiting for me. She was waiting for me right outside the cafeteria doors, looking down at her phone. I was trying to prepare myself for what was waiting for me on the other side of the doors. I wasn't in the mood to deal with Aaron, Emily, Easton, or Savannah. I just wanted to sit and talk with my best friend at lunch. Not for me; it had become a time of drama. 

"Hey, I was wondering if you would ever make it. What took you so long?" Blakely asked, putting her phone away. 

"Sorry, I bumped into Dylan, who sent my books flying to the floor. Then, he had to tell me how he never thought Aaron was good for me." I pressed my lips together. 

"Really? Oh god." Her brow furrowed.

"Yeah." I walked through the doorway. 

"I can't believe he'd tell you that. I'm sure he meant well. But still." 

My eyes scanned through the groups of tables for Easton and Savannah so that I could avoid them at all costs. I didn't want to be anywhere close to them right now. But, asking him to help me was becoming more and more of a mistake I needed to correct before things got out of hand.

"Let's go get a table, then we can go up to the salad bar," Blakely said, motioning toward the left side of the cafeteria. 

"Chelsi, do you have a minute?" Easton asked from behind me. 

"What? So you can embarrass me again? Do you get enjoyment out of that?" I said, not turning around to face him. The less I looked into his gorgeous eyes, the better. "Besides, you don't have to help me anymore. It was wrong of me to ask you. I'm sorry." 

"Easton, are you coming?" Savannah asked close behind us. 

"You need to go anyway," I said, walking off to join Blakely over at our table.

I hung my bookbag on the bag of the chair, glancing over in the direction of Easton and Savannah across the room from us at a table with a few of her friends. Savannah was sitting close to Easton while talking to her friends. Luckily, his back was to me, so he wouldn't catch me staring at him. I didn't need him catching me staring at him like some crazy stalker girl. 

"What did he want?" Blakely asked, glancing over her shoulder. 

"I don't know. I told him he didn't have to help me anymore. It was a mistake in asking him." 

"Are you okay?" 

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" I glanced at her, then back over to Easton and Savannah. 

"You want to go get some salad?" Blakely asked, getting up from her seat. 

"No, I'm not that hungry now." I sighed. 

She turned and headed off toward the salad bar, leaving me to sit there and watch Easton and Savannah flirt with one another in torment. I finally couldn't take it any longer, so I got my phone out and started flipping through videos to keep my mind occupied. 

"I see your little boyfriend is getting cozy with Savannah over there," Aaron said. 

"What the fuck do you want?" 

"Wow...Language." He chuckled. 

"Hey, why don't you leave her alone, Aaron?" Easton said, walking across the room. 

"What is it with you two?" 

"Why don't you both leave her alone?" Dylan said, walking up. "She doesn't need either of you playing games with her. Easton go back over there with Savannah and leave Chelsi alone. Aaron, you were never good enough for her. Either you can walk away from her, or I will walk you back to your table. The choice is yours." Dylan stepped in closer to Aaron. 

Easton turned and walked back over to Savannah, who was sitting there, sulking with her friends. Aaron stood there for a few more seconds, glaring at Dylan before he finally turned and walked away. 

"You okay?" 

"I thought you were on your way to class." My eyes narrowed, remembering our conversation in the hall before lunch. 

"I'm on a hall pass at the moment. I was walking past when I happened to look in and saw Aaron standing over here by you. I knew he was up to something. I need to get back to class. Are you sure you're okay?" 

"Yeah, thanks." I smiled. 

"Anytime." He turned and headed out of the cafeteria. 

Author's Notes:

Wow! What do you think of all this? 

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