Chapter 35

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Blakely worked miracles; she managed to get done with my hair and makeup five minutes before Easton was to pick me up. She did a final powder touch-up across my nose and cheeks, then sprayed my hair. 

"How do I look?" I stood up to get my phone and purse. 

"You look great." 

"I still don't know what I'm doing." I put my phone in my purse. 

"Breathe." She grabbed both my shoulders. 

"Chelsi, Easton is downstairs in the living room," Mom said through my closed door. 

Blakely grabbed her bag and wrapped her arm around mine. "It's going to be okay." 

I opened my bedroom door, and we walked down the stairs; I could hear my mom talking to Easton in the living room. I couldn't quite make out what they were talking about, which I'm sure it was something about me. Mom loved to brag about my minor accomplishments like my grades and whatnot. Sometimes, it was nice to hear; other times, it was embarrassing. 

We got to the bottom of the stairs, and I could see the back of Easton, and he looked hot. He had on tight jeans that showed off his fine ass and a navy blue t-shirt. I couldn't take my eyes off his ass. 

"You're staring at his ass," Blakely whispered. 


"Stop staring at his ass." 

"There they are, finally," Mom announced. 

Easton turned around and smiled when he saw me standing next to Blakely. Without saying a word, he finally walked over to me. "You look great." He kissed me on the cheek since Mom was standing there watching. 

"Are you ready?" He asked, taking my hand. 

"Where are we going?" I asked, peeking over at Blakely and then back at him. 

"I thought we'd get some coffee first, then maybe go to the mall or something." 

"Well, have fun, you two," Mom said, walking toward the kitchen. 

"I need to be getting home. Dad wants to have family time today," Blakely said, walking to the door. 

"Thanks for staying again last night." We started walking with her to the door. 

"Mom, we're leaving!" I hollered from the front door. Blakely walked over to the driveway, where her car was parked behind me. I told her I would talk to her later tonight. Easton opened the door for me, waved bye to Blakely, then walked around the front of the car and got in. He let Blakely back out of the driveway and leave first, then he pulled away from the curb and headed toward Lilli's. He asked me what Blakely meant by she had to be home for family time. I explained to him that her father was a cardiovascular surgeon, and he's not home a lot, so they make sure to do things as a family when he is home. 

Fifteen minutes later, we arrived at Lilli's to a busy parking lot, which Easton told me was typical for a Sunday. He drove around the back to park like he did Friday night when Savannah had shown up unexpectedly. I sat there and stared at that brown metal door, wishing I had stayed in the car and never gone back inside. If only I had stayed in the car, then I wouldn't be wrestling with all this doubt, and things might be different. 

"You ready to go in?" Easton asked. 

"Yeah," I said, grabbing the handles of my purse. I opened the car door before Easton approached the car's passenger side. 

"I was going to open the door for you." 

"I guess it's just habit because Aaron never did that for me when we were dating. Sorry." 

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