Chapter 9

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I opened up one eye, the bright sunlight dancing around my room. I raised my hands, grabbing the sides of my head. The sound of Blakely's nails tapping her phone echoed throughout my head.

"Blakely, can you not type so loud? It sounds like your fingers are tap dancing on your screen," I mumbled, putting a pillow over my head.

"Do you want me to go downstairs to get you some aspirin and something to drink?" She asked, lifting part of the pillow off my face.

"Yes. Please. Can you bring me some apple juice? There should be some in the refrigerator. Thanks, Blakely."

I lay there, enjoying the silence because I knew it wouldn't be long before Blakely returned with my juice and aspirin. I just hoped Mom and Dad weren't home yet. I really didn't want to listen to how I shouldn't drink at parties and whatnot. They were the ones who needed to be lectured about being responsible. I mean, who leaves their kids by themselves day after day, hours on end, into the early morning hours? So yeah, I wasn't in the mood to listen to them bitch at me for what happened.

"Chelsi, here's some juice and aspirin. How's your head? Oh, by the way, your sister just got home too. She walked in as I was headed back up here. And no, your parents aren't home yet either." She handed me the aspirin first, then my glass of juice.

"Thanks, Blakely. Do you have to head home right away?" I asked, popping the pills in my mouth. I took a drink of my juice and then set it down on my nightstand.

"No, Dad is working today, so no family time. Do you want me to get you something to eat?" She propped the pillows against the headboard, then crawled up on the bed, trying not to jostle me too much. You didn't answer my question yet?" She peered down at me.

"Oh, sorry. It feels like someone is using it as a punching bag. I hope the aspirin kicks in soon. By the way, what time is it?" I asked, peeking up at her with one eye closed.

"It's almost ten. Do you want me to wake you up in a couple of hours? She asked, looking down at her phone. "Or, I can wake you up after I'm done making us something to eat?"

"I'm not tired. I just wish the pounding in my head would at least subside so I can get up and get a shower. What happened last night? I remember bits and pieces of it and nothing after I started playing video games with Jeremy and his friends." I eased myself up, propping my pillows up behind me.

"You spent most of the party with Jeremy and his friends? I don't blame you because Jeremy is hot. So, you don't remember anything after that?"

"No. Not really."

"Well, I got there as you were being carried out of the room. Then, everyone started in all at once about what happened and wanted to know what was going on with you and Easton," Blakely glanced down, smirking at me.

"Easton? What about him?" I yawned.

"He's the one that threw you over his shoulder, then ended up punching Aaron. He and Savannah were all over each other kissing, and then out of nowhere, he was there, to your defense. Honestly, everyone was really shocked by what happened. Avery came and got me a few minutes later, and we put you in my car." She handed me my juice.

"He punched Aaron? Did you find out why?" I asked, sipping on my juice.

"No. It was like he disappeared when he set you down on the step. But I guess Aaron was saying some nasty things about you, and Easton knocked his ass out."

"Oh, my god. What am I going to do? Now, everyone thinks Easton and I are together." I covered up my face with a small, light grey decorative pillow. Then, I lowered the pillow, staring straight ahead toward the window. I sat there, watching the shadows from the leaves dance on my floor. The idea came to me and seemed like the answer to everything. I threw off the covers, scooting down to the end of the bed. The minute my feet hit my soft, plush area rug, I ran out of my room to Sam and I's bathroom.

Right on queue, Blakely started banging on the door, asking if I was okay. I told her I was fine and that I would be out as soon as I got a shower. My headache eased up a little bit when the hot water ran down my face and back. Once I finished my shower, I started to feel a little bit more like myself, and the drum playing in my head ceased. I grabbed my robe off the back of the door and headed back to my room.

"You okay, Chelsi? You ran out of here like a crazy woman." Blakely said, gathering up clothes.

"Yeah. Something came to me. After we get ready, do you think you can take me to Lilli's coffee shop?" I asked, looking in my closet for something to wear.

She paused in my doorway, turning around slowly back at me. "Why do you want to go to Lilli's other than to get coffee?" She asked, tilting her head slightly to the side. "I don't know if he's even working today."

"Well, I guess we will find out when we get there. Hurry up and go get ready."  I sat down at my vanity and started applying my makeup. I didn't want to go too heavy with the makeup, but I didn't want an overly natural look either. I dried my hair, then sat there, staring at it in my mirror as if it would magically put itself up in a bun or curl itself.

"I don't know why, but I love your shower so much better than mine at home," Blakely said, walking over to my bed. "Your makeup looks good," She said, looking at me in the mirror.

"Thanks. Now, I'm trying to figure out what to do with my hair. I thought about putting it up in a bun," I said, holding my hair up on top of my head. "What do you think?" I looked in the mirror back at her.

"Here, let me help you real quick. Then I'll finish getting ready, and we can head to Lilli's." She smiled, picking up my brush. A few minutes later, the questions started, and she wanted to know what kind of idea I had in mind. I didn't know how to answer her questions because, to be honest, I hadn't worked out all the details in my head. All I knew was I had to talk to Easton. Then again, I had to figure out what I was going to say to him as well. 

Author's Notes:

What is Chelsi up to? Vote and Comment, letting me know what you think. 

Thanks! A.L.

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