Chapter 4

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Let me know what you think of the story so far in the comments and votes! Thanks! A.L. 

I was lying in bed, staring at the ceiling, as my alarm started to go off. For some reason, my body decided to wake up an hour earlier. I tried to go back to sleep, but my mind started to race about school, Aaron, and the new guy. I flung my comforter off me and went to get my shower before Sam got in there. She was notorious for hogging the bathroom. I've often told her she should change her address to the bathroom. For some unknown reason, she refused to finish getting ready in her room. It's not like she didn't have a vanity in her room.

"Chelsi, are you going to be long?" Sam asked, sticking her head out of her room.

"No. Unlike you. I know how to take a shower and finish in my room." I raised my eyebrow, closing the bathroom door.

The hot water cascaded down my body, relaxing the tense muscles. I wished I could stay here under the hot water, but Sam would be beating on the door in a matter of minutes. I grabbed a clean towel off the shelf and wrapped it around before stepping out of the shower.

I knocked on Sam's door to let her know I was done with the bathroom. I went to my room, closed the door behind me, and then turned around, browsing through my clothes. I didn't feel like leggings, so I decided on ripped jeans, canvas shoes, and a short-sleeved, mint-green tunic. I had done my makeup before, and I was trying to do something with my hair.

"Morning, Chelsi. How did yesterday go?" Mom asked, handing me pancakes and sausage links.

"Eh." My top lip curled up.

"That good, huh? Want to talk about it before your Dad gets down here?" She leaned against the island toward me.

"No. I'm okay. I need to get a routine down that doesn't include Aaron. He came up to me yesterday during lunch. I told him there was nothing more to talk about. Then, the bitch thanked me for breaking up with him." I rolled my eyes.

"She did what?" Mom looked bewildered.

"Good morning, two of my three favorite girls," Dad said, walking into the kitchen.

Mom didn't press the subject anymore because she knew Dad would want to know what was happening. She figured the less drama he knew, the better off everyone would be in the house. Unfortunately, Dad tended to either lecture us for too long or didn't want to be bothered with trivial girl drama.


I no more got the car parked, and Sam was out, crossing the parking lot toward her friends. I sat in my car, scanning through a popular social media site, waiting for Blakely to get here. I had my window cracked so I could hear her pull up. Instead, I heard the same raging sports engine from yesterday. Not raising my head, I shifted my eyes to the left, trying to be nonchalant.

"Chelsi, right?" Easton's voice pierced right through me.

"Yes." I turned my head a little more in his direction. "Nice car." 

"Thanks." He said, walking around the front of his car. "Would you like to walk to class together?" He smiled, leaning back against his car, crossing his arms and legs. Girls walked by, staring and smiling at him, but he didn't return their gesture. A few of them said hi to him, and he did tell them hi back. I sat there watching as more girls walked by, smiling and trying to flirt with him, and he acted like they weren't even there. Everything about him screamed player, and I needed to stay as far away from him as possible. 

"I'm waiting for my friend." I smiled, trying not to stare. But then again, I couldn't help it; his grey eyes were gorgeous. 

"Chelsi!" I heard a familiar voice call to me from off in the distance. I stuck my head out of the window to see which direction Avery was yelling from.

"Avery!" I jumped out of the car and gave her a big hug. "I missed you. So, how were the Bahamas?" I smiled, turning to get my stuff out of the car.

"It was amazing! I didn't want to leave. I wish you and Blakely could've gone with us. You both would've loved it." Her attention quickly shifted to Easton, still leaning against his car. "Who's the hottie?" She whispered.

"Avery, this is Easton Alexander. Easton, this is one of my best friends, Avery Watson." I said, motioning my hand back and forth between them.

They each gave a quick hi to one another, and then all of a sudden, Easton excused himself and headed toward the school. I turned to look at Avery, who looked confused right along with me. She wanted to know his story and if he had a girlfriend. I told her what little I knew, which wasn't much. 

"Hey, I'm sorry to hear about you and Aaron. Besides, I never did like him. I always thought he wasn't good enough for you. Now, the three of us can hang out more. We should stay single for a while and enjoy being single friends." She smiled, wrapping her arm around mine.

"Avery, Chelsi," Blakely said, waving at us from the front of the school.

"Where did she park?" I asked, scanning the parking lot for her car.

"I think she parked over there," Avery motioned to the parking lot's right side.

"I was just telling Chelsi that the three of us should stay single for a while and just hang out and have fun without worrying about some dumb guy," Avery said, walking up to Blakely.

Blakely and I both knew Avery would be with a guy by the end of next week. And we would be without a guy and not see her much. We were getting used to not spending much time with Avery. She had become that best friend that you didn't see that much of, but she still considered herself part of the circle even though she didn't spend much time with that circle. 

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