Chapter 25

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I got to the school fifteen minutes later, and it was already filling up with cars. Fortunately, Blakely and I managed to find parking spots. But they were on the other side of the parking lot, away from the gate that Easton would be walking out of later after the game. I turned the car off and sat there for a few minutes, trying to give myself a pep talk to open the door. Blakely opened the door and told me to get my ass out. I grabbed my wristlet and got out of the car. 

"Chelsi, you look great." She smiled and closed the door for me. We headed for the entrance gate. I kept looking for Easton out on the field, but then I realized I didn't know his number. I also ignored the fact that Aaron was out there on the field. I had no intention of showing any interest and didn't want him to catch me accidentally looking his way when, in reality, I was trying to find Easton. 

"Where do you want to sit?" Blakely asked as she paid for her ticket. 

"Not by the cheerleaders." I glanced over at them and saw Savannah fixing another girl's bow. Savannah's hair was perfect, makeup flawless. 

"Chelsi, you need to pay for your ticket," Blakely said. 

I sighed and handed the money to the lady behind the glass window. I followed Blakely through the gate and off to the side, away from the crowd that was rushing in behind us. We stood there watching them make their way to the concession stand to get their drinks and food before heading to the bleachers. 

"What's wrong?" She asked. 


"Chelsi, I've known you a long time, and I can tell when something's wrong. The minute you saw Savannah, you started acting like your puppy died or something." She pulled me farther away from the gate. "Yeah, Savannah's pretty, but everyone knows she's a bitch. Easton obviously likes you. I don't know why you refuse to see it." 

"He doesn't like me. I wish everyone would stop saying that. He's helping me get rid of Aaron. That's it! Can we go find our seats? Please." 

She nodded and started to lead the way toward the bleachers. I felt bad for snapping at her like that, but I was getting tired of everyone saying he liked me. They didn't know if he liked me or not, and I didn't need them feeding me lies and getting my hopes up just to be crushed later. I knew they meant well, but it wasn't going to be them that would get hurt in the end, and I was protecting myself. I had been hurt enough already. 

Blakely led us past the cheerleader's section, where most of the students sat because I didn't want to have to deal with Aaron's friends. They were assholes, just like Aaron. We ended up sitting almost at the other end of the field by ourselves. We knew we'd eventually work our way back toward the student section by some of our other friends once they saw we were here. We no more got seated, and they started the National Anthem, then started announcing the teams. The minute the announcer announced Easton Alexander, my heart was pounding so hard that I couldn't hear his number or what position he played. I couldn't believe I had missed his number and position. I was too embarrassed to ask Blakely what Easton's number was. She would've looked at me like I'd lost my damn mind. Who knows, maybe I had lost my mind. Besides, nothing was going on between us; he was helping me get rid of Aaron. 

I kept trying to find Easton out on the field, but each time I thought I'd find him finally, Aaron would be close, so I'd hurry up and look away. This went on for a while, and it was driving me insane. Finally, halftime came, and I could get a drink and a roster. Blakely tagged along with me; I guess she was afraid I'd bolt out the gate and take off down the road. 

"Why are you here?" 

I grabbed my water off the counter, took a deep breath, and turned around. "I'm here to see Easton play." 

"I don't know what he sees in you either. At least Aaron got smart and dumped you," Emily said. 

I stood there for a few minutes looking at her and her friends who were standing behind her. Then, I let her enjoy her few minutes of glory before shutting her ass down. "Need I remind you, Emily, that I dumped him, not the other way around." I bumped into her shoulder as I walked past her and her friends. 

"Good for you! It's about time you started standing up to that bitch," Blakely said. 

Blakely was right. It did feel good to stand up to Emily for a change. I shouldn't have to take her shit anymore. She stole my boyfriend from me and didn't deserve any kindness whatsoever. I wanted to go back and say more to Emily, but I knew this wasn't the time or place for that. So, I did the mature thing and walked past her, not entertaining her drama. 

"Let's get back to our seats before the game starts," Blakely said. "And before anyone else wants to walk up and start shit with you. That seems to be the theme of the week." 

She wasn't wrong about everyone wanting to start shit with me all of a sudden. And I knew it was because of Easton. He was the hot new guy at school and Savannah's new love interest, which meant he was unavailable. But he'd been with me here lately, and no one could figure out why, and it was driving them all crazy. But, of course, they weren't the only ones who were going crazy over the fact. I knew I had asked him to help me, but something had changed, and I didn't know what to make of it anymore. 

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