Chapter 36

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Monday morning came way too fast. I was not ready to go back to school and face a new school week. But then again, I was a little ready to put part of the weekend behind me. The entire weekend wasn't a complete bust, but some of it needed to be forgotten for sure. I laid there in bed and thought about the week ahead and whether or not to let Easton go. I mean, the plan was for two weeks, and we were coming up on the end of the two weeks. He would say differently, but I didn't think his feelings for me weren't real, and he's just been caught up in this lie we created. 

I slid my feet out from under my comforter, gathered up my things, and went to the bathroom to get my shower before Sam got up. Once in the shower, I realized I hadn't seen Sam all weekend. Instantly I felt like the worst sister in the world; even though she probably didn't care if she saw me or not, I still felt bad for not spending time with her. I stood under the hot water, hoping it would wash away the guilt. 

I opened the bathroom door, and Sam had just walked out of her room. "Why don't I take you for coffee today after school?" 

"Okay. You can tell me what happened at the beach Saturday." She smiled. 

"All right." 


I pulled into the school parking lot and parked next to Blakely. She was still in her car, looking down at her phone. Her hair was hanging down, hiding most of her face. I didn't want to honk and scare her, so I sent her a quick text to look to her left. She looked over and smiled as she tossed her phone into her book bag. 

"Are you ready for today?" Blakely asked, getting out of her car. 

"Not really." I walked around my car. 

"Hey, beautiful!" Gavin said, walking up. "So, how was your date yesterday?" 

 I found myself staring at him in his jeans and long-sleeved button-downed shirt. "Savannah showed up at the coffee place." I rolled my eyes. 

"How did she know you were there?" 

"Easton's mom told her we were going to be there." 

He placed his hand on my arm. "What the fuck? His mom told that bitch you were going to be there? That's fucked up. Why are you seeing him, Chelsi?" 

My mouth fell open, and I stood there and stared at him. I couldn't believe he had said that to me. I eased my arm out of his grip and started walking to the front of the school. "He apologized." 

"Wow... He apologized. Chelsi, just by the way he was talking at the beach, I don't trust him." 

Blakely and I looked at each other, then over at Gavin, who was already five steps ahead of us now. We kept falling farther and farther back, so Gavin wouldn't hear what we were talking about. 

"What do you think Easton said?" I whispered, leaning close to Blakely. 

"Well, whatever it was, Gavin didn't appreciate it," Blakely whispered back. 

"Chelsi, I almost forgot. What are you doing after school today?" Gavin turned around and asked when we got to the front of the school. 

"I'm taking Sam for coffee, then going home. Why?" 

"I told Mom I saw you, and well..." His cheeks turned red. 

"I'd love to go see your mom. I've missed her." I smiled. "Wait a minute, what are you doing here?" I paused in the middle of the doorway. 

"Getting my class schedule for tomorrow." 

"Oh, yeah." I walked on through. 

"Um...Chelsi..." Blakely grabbed my hand. 

"What?" I looked over and saw Blakely standing there with her mouth wide open and her eyes fixated on something down the hall. I turned to follow her gaze. At the end of the hall, Easton was standing there talking to Savannah with his arm around her. I stood there watching them and couldn't believe what I was seeing. And before I had a chance to think about what to do, my feet had already decided for me. 

"Chelsi, what are you doing?" Blakely asked, following behind me. 

"Gavin!" Blakely hollered for him. 

"What?" He hollered. 

"Chelsi, what are you doing?"Gavin asked, rushing up behind us. 

I didn't answer them; I just kept walking down the hall toward Easton and Savannah. I didn't know what I was going to say to them, but I wasn't going to let him make a fool of me anymore. I got a couple of feet away from them and stood there watching them as they stood there talking with their friends. Finally, one of Savannah's friends saw me and motioned their head to me. 

"Chelsi...I....huh..." Easton quickly dropped his arm from around Savannah's waist. 

"You what? Can explain? Save it. People tried to warn me about you. I trusted you." I turned and started to walk away. 

"Chelsi! Wait!" 

"Dickhead...She doesn't want to talk to you," Gavin said. 

"She'll forgive me. Like last time." 

Before I could stop myself, I turned around and smacked Easton across the face. An instant stinging pain spread over my hand like wildfire. I grabbed my right hand, wanting to cry, but I wasn't going to give Easton the satisfaction. Easton turned his head to look at me with no remorse in his eyes. I wanted to smack him again, but my hand hurt too bad.

 Blakely wrapped her arm around me and took me to the bathroom. Gavin told me he would go get his schedule, then tell them he would take me home because I was sick. He told me he would meet me by the girls' bathroom in a few minutes. 

"Thanks, Gavin," I said. 

"Anytime, Sunshine. I'll meet you in a few minutes. We can spend the day together and be back in time to get Sam." 

Author's Note:

Did you see that coming? 

Let me know in the comments and votes how you like the story! Thanks! A.L. 

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