Chapter 30

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I went back to my room, where Blakely had her things ready to head to the bathroom to take her shower. I still wasn't happy with the fact she was dragging me to the beach today. Easton and Aaron were going to be there. The whole situation had disaster written all over it, with me in the middle. Blakely trying to tell me Savannah and her minions wouldn't cause drama was quite funny because I knew differently. The minute one of them saw me on the beach, it would be game on for them. I walked over to my closet to see what I wanted to wear over my bathing suit today. I stood there staring into my closet, then realized that my shorts were in my dresser, not my closet. I walked over to my dresser, grabbed a pair of jean shorts, and tossed them onto my bed. I opened the bottom drawer and grabbed my dark pink bikini. I put on my bikini and jean shorts, walked over to my vanity, and sat down in the seat to face the strange girl again. I didn't know who this girl was, and honestly, she was starting to get on my fucking nerves a little bit. A few weeks ago, she had all the answers, broke up with her boyfriend, and now has no idea what she's doing. 

"Hey, everything okay?" Blakely asked, walking into my room

"Yeah," I said, reaching for my eye serum. It had become my new best friend here lately. 

"Are you mad at me?" 

"No, why?" I dabbed the eye serum on the dark circles under my eyes. "You're right; I shouldn't let other people ruin my fun. Besides, I don't want to be stuck at home with my parents." I whispered in case my mother was listening. 

Blakely giggled, got up, and finished getting ready for the beach. I didn't quite share her enthusiasm, but I meant what I said about not wanting to spend the day at home with my parents. 


On our way to the beach, I started to realize maybe this really was a bad idea and that staying at home barricaded in my room wasn't such a bad thing after all. I wouldn't be around my parents except to get something to eat or drink. I wouldn't be dodging Savannah and her friends, Easton and Aaron. I sank further in my seat, looking out the window. The sun was shining; there wasn't a cloud in the sky; people were already crowding the beach.  

"It's going to be okay," Blakely said, pulling into a parking spot. 

"Yeah." I sighed. I flipped down the visor, checking to see if, by some miracle, the dark circles under my eyes had decided to show mercy on me and leave my face. Well, they weren't gone, but they weren't as noticeable as earlier. Better than nothing. I flipped the visor back up and put on my sunglasses. I got out of the car and grabbed my backpack, trying to waste as much time as possible. Blakely's raised eyebrow was a sure sign that she was annoyed with me, but I didn't care at this point. 

I stood there by the car for a minute, looking out at the beach, trying to see if I could tell who all was out there or not. I spotted Aaron right away because he had on the same trunks he wore last year. They were red with a horizontal navy blue and white stripe in the middle. He was playing football with some of his friends on the team. I didn't see Easton among them; then again, I shouldn't be surprised, seeing he hated Aaron. 

"Chelsi, are you coming?" Blakely shifted her weight from one foot to the other. 

I sighed and started walking over toward Blakely. "Sorry."

"I know you don't want to be here, but try to have some fun." She smiled. 

"I'll try." 

She stopped and stared at me with raised eyebrows. 

"I promise." 

She tried to give me another one of her stares, but it wasn't going to work this time. She ought to be glad I was here at all. I could get her for kidnapping if I wanted to. The closer we got to the rest of our classmates, I thought I heard someone call our names off in the distance. I grabbed Blakely's arm as I looked around, figuring out which direction. I heard someone call our names.

"What's wrong?" 

"I heard someone call our names?" 

"I think you are being paranoid." She eased her arm out of my grasp and took off, walking toward the crowd. She set her backpack on the sand and laid a towel out. 

I started to head over to join her when I heard someone call my name again. I spun around, but there was no one there. Maybe, I was losing my mind. I started to take a step when I heard my name again. 

"Is that any way to treat your friend that you haven't seen in a few years?" 

"Oh my god! Gavin, I've missed you so much!" I threw my arms around his neck. He had no idea how much I really did miss him over the last few years. Blakely was my best friend, but Gavin was my best friend slash big brother. He was hot as hell, with his dark blonde hair, baby blue eyes, and not to mention his fine ass body. But we never thought of each other that way; it has always been strictly platonic. However, Blakely hasn't given up hope that she and Gavin will end up together, even though I keep trying to tell her that it's not going to happen. 

"Wow, Chelsi, you look great! I heard you finally got smart and broke up with Aaron. Good for you. I told you from day one he wasn't good enough for you." He hugged me tighter. "I've missed you!" 

"I've missed you." I buried my head into the crook of his neck; he always smelled of cedarwood and lavender. "Wait a minute..." I eased out of his hug. "How did you know that I broke up with Aaron?" 

"You really gonna ask me how I know?" He laughed. 

"Gavin!" Blakely hollered

"Here she comes," He whispered. 

"Be nice." 

"When did you get back?" Blakely hugged him. 

"Yesterday afternoon. I go to school Monday to get enrolled in school again." He smiled. 

"Oh my god! You're back for good!" 

"Yes. My parents didn't like it out on the east coast. So, I'm back for good." He wrapped his arms around us, then we started walking over to Blakely's stuff. 

Author's note:

 I think you all will like Gavin. Chelsi could use some good news right now. Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think of Gavin in the comments and votes! Thanks! A.L.

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