Chapter 5

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Should I post another chapter in a few days? Vote and comment to let me know! 

So far, no run-in with Aaron or his new love interest. I wouldn't even call her his love interest because he's a player who tried to stay in a committed relationship. Something deep inside me always knew our relationship wouldn't last. Yet, I continued to be totally ignorant of the signs that flashed all around me during the two years we were together—the constant flirting with other girls in front of me and behind my back. There would be flirty comments on his social media that he knew bothered me but would never delete. He tried saying he left them up to make me jealous. I knew deep down he left them up because he loved the attention from other girls. 

"Are you ready to head to lunch?" Blakely yelled over the noisy hall.

"Yeah, just let me switch out my books real quick." I closed my locker door and gave the lock a spin. "Are you going to run for homecoming queen?" I asked once we were headed away from the loud, obnoxious group of boys.

"I was thinking about it. What about you?" Blakely asked, looking down at her phone.

"Me? Are you crazy? I would never win. Thanks for the confidence, though."

We walked through the cafeteria doors and headed for our table. We sat our stuff down in the empty chairs, then went to see if the salad bar looked edible again today. We were in luck because it looked better than yesterday. Who's to say what it will look like in a couple of weeks?

"Chelsi, I think we need to talk."

I rolled my eyes at Blakely, then turned to face Aaron. "What the hell do you want?" I mumbled through gritted teeth. "Again, I told you, I have nothing to say to you. So, go be with Emily. She looks like she's about to sprint over here any minute." I turned back around to finish getting some vegetables.

His hand grasped my arm, yanking me around to face him. "I wasn't done talking to you!"

"Well, I'm done talking to you. Get your hand off me, Dickface! Now!" 

"Hey. I think she told you to take your hand off her. So, I'd do what she says unless you want your ass kicked." The familiar voice said, walking up.

"Who the hell are you? And, what makes you think you can kick my ass?" Aaron turned the both of us around.

"I know; I can kick your ass. I'm not going to tell you again." Easton said, not pulling his eyes away from Aaron's glare. "You can let her go, or I can embarrass you in front of everyone," he said, motioning his hand around at everyone watching us. "It's your choice." 

Aaron moved his eyes away from Easton, peering at all the eyes that were fixated on us. He let my arm go and took a couple of steps back. "This isn't over." He turned to go back over to where his friends were standing, glaring at Easton with their fists balled up at their sides, ready to pounce when Aaron gave the word. 

"Are you all right?" Easton said, lifting my arm and examining it for marks.

"Yeah. Thanks." I said, easing my arm away from Easton. "You have this lunch? You weren't here yesterday.

"I was here; you just didn't see me." He smiled. "And you're welcome. Who was that obnoxious guy?" He motioned his thumb over his shoulder.

"That would be my ex-boyfriend," I said, putting a few more baby carrots in my bowl.

"Come on, Chelsi, before Emily decides to come over here next," Blakely said, walking back toward the table.

"Again, thanks," I said, turning to catch up with Blakely.

Blakely asked me what I was up to as we sat down at the table. She mentioned that she could see it in my eyes that I was up to something. I had to tell her several times that I wasn't up to anything, even though she didn't believe a word I said. I wasn't up to anything, but the more she pressed the subject, the more I devised an idea to keep Aaron away from me. Aaron never backed down from a fight. Then again, most guys knew not to pick a fight with him either.

Aaron was on the football team and worked out religiously when there wasn't practice. He was a hot guy and, in return, had a hard time staying faithful. Well, now he was Emily's problem. They were perfect for each other. He's an arrogant asshole, and she's a snobby bitch. A match made in heaven or hell.

I sat there, listening to Blakely talk about running for homecoming queen while I scanned the lunchroom for Easton. After five minutes of shifting my eyes in every direction, I found him sitting alongside the wall, talking to one of the cheerleaders. Not a total bitch like Emily, but she can have her moments, as we all can.

Blakely wrinkled her nose when she followed my gaze to Easton and Savannah Cho. She wasn't what you would call a fan of Savannah's. Nevertheless, she stared at them for a few minutes, asking me why he was over there talking to her.

"I can go over there and ask him why he's talking to her?" I raised an eyebrow. 

"Funny." She rolled her eyes. "I still say you are up to something, Chelsi." She got up, taking her bowl over to the dirty dishes area.

I had an idea brewing, but I wasn't about to tell her what it was because I knew she would talk me out of it. I wasn't even sure if I would be brave enough to go through it, but I had to get rid of Aaron. And I didn't know if Easton would be willing to help me with it either. I had a lot of thinking to do this weekend.

My eyes made their way back over to Easton, still talking to Savannah and her friends. Who was I kidding? There was no way Easton would ever think about helping someone like me. I watched how he and Savannah flirted back and forth, realizing my idea was completely idiotic. Savannah was way prettier and more popular than I was. But I couldn't stop thinking about how fast Aaron backed down from Easton. 

"Are you done with your vegetables, Chelsi?" Blakely asked, walking up to the table.

"Huh? Yeah." I got up and took my bowl over to the lunch lady.

On the way back to the table, I caught myself staring at them again. I quickly looked down when Easton turned, meeting my stare. The warmth of my blush spread across my cheeks and down the sides of my face. I grabbed my bag and headed for the doors, turning to wait for Blakely once I got to the hall. 

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