« Chapter Nineteen »

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It was a beautiful day. 

She stood with her old pack members before the entire pack of Aloysius. It was finally time for them to become an official part of the ever-growing pack and she was more than ready. She had already been welcomed into the pack with open arms and everyone seemed to admire her but it meant so much more to give an oath and connect their souls.

It was an opportunity she had never been given in her old pack. They had stolen it from her, that complete connection of having a family that would protect her as she would them. But, she wasn't going to think about that right now because she wasn't going to miss a moment of this beautiful ceremony. She had insisted it could be small but Cassius had none of it. He and the other girls had spent hours meticulously decorating the entire outdoor scene. 

There were millions of flowers of varying, breathtaking colors strewn above their heads. Intricate patterns that crisscrossed and tangled into one beautiful mess. She found it completely ironic how it symbolized her journey up to this point. How it symbolized her blossoming into growth and healing. She had taken those steps with her heart and she didn't regret any of it. She had discovered who she wanted to be and she smiled at the thought. 

Alpha Leroy stood before them. He gave her a warm smile. She couldn't help but think he was the best father figure she's ever had in her life and she didn't know what she would do without his guidance. She had met the eyes of almost everyone present and her heart was brimming with warmth. 

This was her family. 

She was officially becoming a part of it until old age might steal her away. But even then, they would be reunited in heaven because family was forever. They didn't have to be related by blood because their love for each other was more than enough. They would protect each other until their dying breath and she had always wanted that. She had always wanted family as incredible as this, even if they were all alittle stitched up and mismatched, their hearts were in the right place. 

That's what mattered. 

"My brothers and sisters," Alpha Leroy's voice rang through the clearing, "We are gathered here today to welcome some of the bravest souls I've ever seen. They have traveled long and far to reach us, in hopes of receiving a home. Their home was taken from them by rogues but one of their own stepped up to the plate with so much courage and led them safely to our land, and we will not forget our fallen brother who couldn't be with us," Her heart stuttered as she realized he was talking about her and Fabian. God, she wished Fabian could be here but she knew he was smiling down from above. She fought back sweet tears that threatened to fall. She caught Cassius' eyes in the crowd, he was already crying but he gave her a big thumbs up. 

Leroy continued, "Of course, my brother's soul lives on through all of us and all he ever wanted was for equality in this world. We have worked so hard these past few years to eradicate the cruelness and protect the innocent, but we still have much work to do, and that is why we must keep growing with love in our hearts. For on this day, we are gathered to officially initiate more brave souls into our family," He turned to her and the rest of her old pack, "My friends, will you please come forth and kneel?" 

She sucked in a breath and, in unison with those around her, they stepped forward and dropped to one knee. She felt tingles spreading from her spine to her fingertips, this moment was almost electrifying, and she had dreamed of it for so long. Her heart was aching from the happiness that overflowed from her soul. 

"As the Alpha King," Leroy came to stand before them, stopping in front of her, revealing the ceremonial dagger that would bind their blood, "I offer you safety and a position in the great pack of Aloysius, if you accept, extend your palm and speak the oath by blood." She kept eye contact with him through the entire formal speech but his eyes reflected his warmth, he was silently cheering her on and telling her how proud he was.

Her fingers were trembling but she held out her palm. Leroy gently grasped her hand, steadying her, and he smiled with assurance before slipping the blade through her palm with skill. She hardly felt it, he had done it so quickly. She told herself to be strong and she stood, her blood trickling through her fingers, and she placed her hand over her heart. 

"With this blood, I pledge my life to you. I accept you as my Alpha and my loyalty yours until the last breath leaves my body. If this oath be broken, let death be the punishment." She recited the words so effortlessly, the very same words she had dreamed of saying for so long. It felt surreal to say them, that this ceremony was happening for her to be a real member of a great pack. She had to keep herself from crying, she would soak up every feeling in this moment, and she smiled. 

Leroy's eyes were practically dripping gold, "I accept your oath," He said, clasping their hands together, and then leaning closer, he said just for her, "I would also like to accept you as my adoptive daughter, if you will." 

Tears spilled down her cheeks, tears of joy that couldn't be contained, and she said breathlessly, "Yes."

He smiled, his eyes glowing, and then he moved on to the next person beside her. She remained standing, holding her hand, as if she couldn't believe any of this was real. She was completely unaware of everyone else speaking their oaths, her eyes constantly roamed the crowd and she was sure her face showed every emotion she felt. Some of the people smiled when she made eye contact, others nodded, but they all looked extremely proud and happy. 

When everyone had spoken their oaths, Alpha Leroy turned to the rest of Aloysius and proclaimed with a voice like mighty thunder, "Brothers and sisters...let us welcome our newest family!" 

And everyone stood as cheering erupted, loud with proclamation. Every voice was hollering in joy, every hand clapped until their skin burned, and every lung sang to the heavens above. Goosebumps rose across her skin in the presence of something so powerful and so welcoming, she could feel everything in her soul. 

It was like a pleasant ache in her chest that intensified with every voice praising the Moon Goddess. Petals that had fallen loose from the flower wreaths showered down upon them, as if in blessing, and the moment was purely magical. Her eyes zeroed in on her mate and he was cheering the loudest, his teary grin so wide and so bright. She glanced at Leroy, even his eyes were misty, and she ran to hug him. 

She had found it. Her happiness. 

And this was her home. 

♦      ♦      ♦      ♦      ♦       ♦

Not even halfway through I was crying. 

I can't even. My heart is so full. My soul feels this moment. Their love. This was so special. Such a moment for my strong baby... Ahhhhh I'm tearing up again... 

How was everyone's Christmas? 

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