« Chapter Twenty-Four »

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She was sick with worry. 

It had been hours and there was no change in Cassius' state. He was pale, barely breathing, and she feared the worst. What in the world had caused this? She couldn't figure it out. Was he never meant to mark her? If he lacked part of his soul, did that mean she couldn't finish what she had started? Was it never meant to be? 

If it was, the Moon Goddess was really twisted in the head. This would be the cruelest thing in all of werewolf history. She didn't want to believe it was true. She wanted to believe there was another answer to this, another explanation as to why her mate had nearly died trying to mark her. It just didn't make sense. 

She was huddled on the couch in the living room, rocking with anxiety and horrible thoughts. The hour had grown late. A blanket had been wrapped around her shoulders a while ago and her fingers were grasping it with white knuckles. Darren had demanded everyone to leave the medical room so he could work and this was where they had ended up.

Leroy was napping beside her, Emmet on her other side as he tapped his foot. Deikota and Jasper were across from them on another couch. Beth had gone to make them some hot tea to help calm the nerves. Most of the other people present when the incident happened had went back to their houses. It didn't mean that they didn't care because everyone cared a lot for Cassius, it was just a waiting game at this point. 

She didn't like waiting. She wanted answers right now. She needed to know what was going on and she wanted to help. She hardly registered the noises around her so she didn't notice when Darren quietly entered the living room. 

She jumped when someone touched her shoulder. 

"Val, its me," Darren said, "Can you come to my office?" 

She instantly stood and asked, "Is he okay?" They quickly left the living room and ascended up the stairs. 

Darren sighed, taking off his glasses to rub his face, and then looked at her, "He seems stable, for now. I did a blood test, I don't see anything wrong. I don't understand why he's in this state," He pushed open the door of his office and they entered, "Can you explain to me what happened before he collapsed?" 

"He was marking me but the second he did, I knew something wasn't right," She said quickly, "I felt so much pain and when I looked at him his eyes were white..." She trailed off and then her eyes widened. She rushed to the other side of the room where a small mirror was hanging. Darren was right behind her as she yanked down her collar.

She gasped. 

The mark of the moon, it was gone. 

"Darren, it's gone." She said, confused and breathless. Her skin was perfectly intact, it just no longer carried the white marks she had been born with. It didn't make sense. How could they just disappear? 

"I see that," Darren was frowning. 

She spun to face him, "What does that mean?" 

He pinched the bridge of his nose, "I really don't know, okay? I didn't find anything on your marks, not even an old myth, and I'm not really sure what this has to do with Cassius. Unless..." He paused, thinking hard, and then slowly he said, "Whatever that mark was, it transferred to Cassius when he tried to mark you." 

"So does that mean he's cursed now?" She panicked.

"Take a deep breath for me," Darren gently grasped her shoulders, "He'll be okay, he's not the type to give up. We don't know what any of this means so let's not make assumptions. All we can do is wait and I'll continue to monitor him. Can you wait downstairs for me?" 

"Can I see him first?" 

Darren nodded. 

She almost regretted asking when she saw her mate once again. His skin was paler than before, beads of sweat trickling down his hairline. He looked dead. A mess of tubes and wires were hooked up to his body, a steady rhythm echoing through the dead silence as the monitor tracked his heart. She wanted to break down into tears once again. 

She didn't like seeing him like this. Not one bit. 

She must have fallen asleep on the couch because when she opened her eyes again, daylight was streaming through the living room windows. She yawned, sitting up, and glanced around the room. The people who had stayed for Cassius were still there. They had fallen asleep in numerous places, some on the floor, and they all waited for news together. 

There was no regular pack breakfast, there was no laughter or happy words warming the cold atmosphere. She felt like a brick had settled in her stomach, weighing her down and making it impossible to swallow properly. Her throat was so parched but she didn't bother getting a drink. Her mate was still in that hospital bed, hooked up to machines, and he was her priority. 

Slowly, everyone woke with groggy groans and harsh eye rubbing. They all looked exhausted, miserable, and yet the worry still lined their faces like age-old wrinkles. They asked if she had heard anything from Darren and she shook her head. Darren had closed the mind link, not allowing anyone access, so that he could work without being disturbed. 

Time seemed to drag on, agonizingly slow, and she was angsty about not hearing anything. Cassius had been unconscious for twelve hours now, that could not be good. What if something was horribly wrong? She was just sitting here, waiting for him to wake up, but what if he never did? 

Her heart ached as her thoughts began a downward spiral. She couldn't stop overthinking the entire situation. She couldn't stop reimagining what had happened last night, trying to figure out an answer for this weird incident. She just wanted him to wake up. 

She needed him. 

Suddenly, Darren appeared in the doorway and everyone's attention snapped to him. She took in his disheveled appearance and the expression of utter shock that seemed to freeze his face. She shot up from the couch in alarm, others mirroring her, as panic tore through all of them.

"What's wrong? Is he okay?" She demanded. 

Darren was staring at her in awe, almost mesmerized, "I have no idea how this is possible.. but Valencia you... you--"

"What is it?" She blurted, impatient. Everyone in the room held their breath with anticipation of Darren's next words.

"You carried the soul of his wolf."

♦      ♦      ♦      ♦     ♦     ♦




So, tomorrow is the last day of December and the end of 2020....has anyone thought of their resolutions yet? I'm still pondering but I always stick to one year after year and that's to never stop writing (: 

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