« Chapter Thirty-One »

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Deikota was the first one to figure it out at breakfast.

She was eating, listening to the conversations, and then suddenly, Deikota yanked down the collar of her shirt. If it had happened a few weeks ago, she would have flinched, but she had overcome those fears, one by one, and she simply turned around in her chair with a wide smile. 

"You're marked!" Deikota exclaimed, everyone's attention settled on them as Deikota quickly pulled her into a bone-crushing hug of joy, "I'm so happy for you! I mean, of course, I'll get the details later but I can't believe it!" 

She blushed and looked towards Cassius. Deikota followed her eyes and promptly punched Cassius in the arm. 

"For the love of god!" Cassius whined, holding his shoulder dramatically, "Will you stop hitting me for once?!" 

"You big oof!" Deikota then tackled him in a hug, "My baby bro all grown up, I feel so old! You guys make the cutest couple I've ever seen," Then, she paused to whisper in his ear, "Just don't tell Reeve and Kian that. I'm not cheating on them." 

Cassius rolled his eyes, chuckling, "I am most definitely telling Kianu Reeves." 

Deikota gasped, "You wouldn't dare!" 

"Watch me!" He stuck his tongue out. 

"French fry, leave him alone," Leroy elbowed Deikota's side. Beth snickered, handing Leo another muffin from the middle of the counter. 

Deikota promptly spun to glare at her brother, "Don't even, Lulu, my pregnancy hormones will beat you up." 

Snorts of laughter erupted around the kitchen. Everyone's faces were painted in amused smirks and Leroy rolled his eyes at his sister. It seemed their teasing would never end with each other. Though, he always seemed to miss it when Deikota went home to her pack, so he tried to enjoy the little moments as best he could. 

Emmett came up behind Cassius and pulled his head beneath his arm. She was grinning from ear to ear as Emmett rubbed his knuckles over Cassius' head, holding her mate in a headlock for a few moments before finally releasing him. 

Cassius playfully shoved Emmett away, "Alright, man, cut it out!" 

Emmett eventually went back to his plate of food around the island counter and everyone settled down for a good breakfast. They had done most of their teasing, showing their love and support, and now they simply enjoyed each other's company. It was a blissfully perfect moment. 

After breakfast, she was confused when everyone started heading outside. 

"Where are we going?" She asked Cassius. 

He took her hand, grinning "Reeve is coming today. They're arriving any minute." 

Her stomach flipped within her body as tingles spread through the tips of her fingers and toes. Alpha Reeve, the very same woman who had inspired her over the phone. She was finally meeting the First Female Alpha, face-to-face. She found herself growing more excited as everyone gathered in the yard while she stayed on the porch with Cassius. 

She wasn't comparing herself to Reeve anymore, there was no need to. They were two different people and they had different stories. Despite how it all boiled down to the same emotions, everyone was bound to follow a unique journey that led to discovering themselves. Alpha Reeve was her own person.

And she? She was never meant to be an Alpha, she realized that now, and she was okay with it. She was more than happy to hold the title of a Beta Female and offer her knowledge when need-be. She wasn't cut out to make decisions for others, that much she had learned the hard way. She was meant to find her own path and she had. Now, it was simply the meeting of two great females who their own special set of qualities. 

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