« Chapter Twenty-Eight »

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They were ready. 

They had faced many challenges, many things that scared them, and they never lost courage. At times, being strong was the only thing they could do. This moment would not be the moment they shied from the sword. Even if it was a battle for Cassius, his family was there for him. And she was, too.

She didn't remember her first shift, it just felt like second nature to her now, but as she watched Cassius prepare for the excruciatingly long process, she admired his fearlessness. His green eyes were set with determination and courage. This is a battle he was prepared for. He had waited so long for this moment and he would not give it up. He was going to shift for the first time in his life. 

And that alone seemed unreal. 

For so long, he had longed for a wolf. He had felt useless, worthless, and an outcast for only being a half-blood. However, as he grew older, so did his outlook on life. He had reached a place in his life where he was truly happy and he didn't mind his situation because he couldn't change it. Because of it, he had grown incredibly strong and he had touched so many people's lives by becoming proud of his half-blood. His life had been seemingly perfect. 

Until he met his mate. 

She came crashing into his life like an angel fallen from heaven. She had bruises, scars, and a past, but somehow she brought out the best of him. He knew what it was like to be in her place and he did everything he could to help her out. They struggled together, pushing boundaries and breaking down walls; but it was all worth it. He never expected anything in return, he was perfectly content with her love, but the Moon Goddess had other plans for them. 

A blessing in disguise. 

He had spent the majority of his life learning to love himself. He had to discover himself over a long and perilous road but it was often those toughest ones that led to the most beautiful destinations. He wasn't ashamed of his past, he was proud of it because it made him who he is today, and he learned to truly live despite everything that happened to him. And he was honored to have helped his mate to the same mindset.

He had seen many lost souls in his life time and it was always like a breath of fresh air when they became found again. He would never get tired of witnessing that kind of journey. A journey where someone truly discovers themselves and chases their dreams without a single doubt.  Somehow, just being able to help others, made him feel renewed every time. It proved that when someone found the way, they should light the way for others. 

But with his mate, it had been a whole new kind of experience, and he was so incredibly proud of her. She had every reason to hate her pack for the rest of her life but it would have been a long and miserable life. He admired her strength to come to forgiveness, it wasn't easy, and it was often misunderstood as something for others; forgiveness was only for the one forgiving. 

His mate had come into his family with her head held high, carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders, and everyone looked at her as an inspiration. Even he was inspired by the beauty of her kind heart. Her beautiful soul. Her gorgeous eyes told him everything. 

And she was his. 

Only when they had discovered their true selves did their love grow so deep, tangling the roots of their hearts together. They didn't need physical love to lose themselves in each other's eyes. Just being able to witness the bare, naked soul of each other was better than it all. Being able to understand every emotion of each other's journey and provide undying support for the roughest parts. It was the truest form of love. 

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