« Chapter Eleven »

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She was seated in the kitchen. 

After being invited to make cookies by Andy, she couldn't say no. She was exhausted, she hadn't been sleeping well lately, so many thoughts were crossing her mind. Especially her conversation with Alpha Reeve, and then the unexpected encounter with West. Their words were powerful and truthful but she was still trying to figure out how to make them her reality. It unconsciously made her seem more distant from the people around her. She was just really lost, searching for the right path to follow. 

She would lay wide awake, listening to her mate's heart for hours, mulling over the past few days, and then she would pretend to be asleep before he woke. She didn't want anyone worrying about her and she especially hated the concerned glances she had been receiving the past few days. 

Beth was managing the whole operation as Calvin, Andy, Leo, and their friends were excited to help. Deikota was being supervised by one of the other pregnant women, she had forgotten their name, because apparently, Deikota would set the kitchen on fire. She was glad that Andy's mother wasn't there, she sighed alittle and settled down to watch the show. 

She had helped spray the cookie sheets with nonstick spray but she made up the excuse she didn't really know how to bake. All the women instantly babbled about teaching her and she could only nod. Her words had grown fewer and far between, she only really spoke to Cassius lately, simply nodding to others. The most she probably spoke was with Reeve over the phone and even then, it was barely longer than a sentence at a time.

Cassius bent down and scooped Andy up, placing the kid on the counter next to the large mixing bowl full of raw cookie dough. With a mischievous glance at the distracted women, and then a wink at Andy, he dipped his finger into the bowl, "This is how you do it." He whispered to Andy.

Andy nodded eagerly and dipped his finger into the bowl as well, "Like this?"

Cassius nodded, green eyes bright, "Exactly like that."

Suddenly, Beth turned around, and with a loud gasp, she threw the dish towel across the kitchen. Cassius' grin only got wider.

"And now we run!" Cassius laughed. He grabbed Andy, who was giggling, and together they darted out of the kitchen. Beth shouted after them and then huffed, placing her hands on her hips.

"Can you believe him?" Beth turned to her, lips settled into a frown, "He's been nothing but trouble for the kids and they all love him."

She shrugged. What was she supposed to say? He finds the joy in little things? He's a child at heart? He was everything she wasn't. She was like a dark, gloomy cloud to hoovered over his sunshine attitude. That made her sink deeper into her chair. 

"You," Beth pointed a finger with a teasing grin, "Do not help. Ever since you've arrived, he's been over the top."

"It's not my fault," She said quietly.

Beth gave her a glance with a furrowed brow. Everyone could see the change, it was saddening, but they couldn't help if she never let anyone in, and she had especially been closed off the past few days. She was a girl with a past she didn't speak of and Beth felt her heart hurting every day for her.  

Andy came back shortly after their quick departure and climbed up on the stool to watch Deikota mix ingredients. Calvin was kneading the dough on the counter for pies. She noticed Cassius never returned, he must have got caught up with some business, she felt a twinge in her chest. The mate bond felt muted between them lately, she felt like she was getting farther away from him, despite how they spent every night together.

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