Chapter 73 - Where is the champaign?

Start from the beginning

He said nothing for a while and my nervousness grew drastically, then quickly tamed when he aided me. "Yes... he seemed to have forgotten to mention it whenever we called. He must be too caught up in his own life."

I forced out a laugh, and then cleared my throat with the new purpose of changing the conversation. "How's it like coming back home after so long? Must be nostalgic."

George settled with a sad smile and turned his wheelchair so he was facing the window behind him, looking out to the front garden. "In all honesty, this place was never home. It was more of a living requirement. Home is where my wife is, so to answer your question, I haven't been home still so I don't know what it's like."

Both Alfred and Mary looked at each other with a sad expression, as if they were reminiscing the at the moment. Welp, this turned grim really quickly. I don't know what to say, I'm too tipsy for this. Abort mission. "Uh, let me rephrase it then. What's it like seeing your children and grandchildren after so long, altogether?"

Gramp's mood brightened a tad bit and I released the nervous breath I was holding in. "I'm beyond happy to see my entire family in one spot. This doesn't even happen during Christmas or Thanksgiving. I'm truly grateful, even though the intention of this party is for my grandson's benefice."

Wait, the old man knows? He hasn't turned completely senile yet?

"What do you mean? You think there's some sort of ill intention behind this party?" Playing ignorant was the way to go at times like these.

"Well the annual gathering always aimed to show off our status a social standing in a grand manner, but I'm more talking about my birthday party. They've only invited me here after so long to make themselves look better. It's mostly so they get a news headline along the lines of, not only is the Troph head a master in the art of business, but he's also the perfect family man."

My mouth parted open and my filter was still broken as I accidentally spoke my thoughts. "Your brain hasn't gone senile at all, why the fuck did you retire? You could've been running the business so much better." I did keep tabs on the family business, as much as I wanted to avoid it. It was always good to be informed.

Mary smacked my shoulder, saying something about stop being disrespectful and Alfred gave me his mean, death glare. George let out a jolly laugh and turned his wheelchair back to face me. "I'm glad you finally realised I'm still in my prime, wheelchair or not. The reason I retired was simply because I wasn't enjoying it anymore and my children seemed to be losing their patience. I'd rather die in the hands of natural causes than in the hands of my own family."

This observative fucker... he could be playing everyone like a fiddle if he wanted to.

"Well, I hope you know that I probably would've joined the family business if you were still head, so it's your fault that I'm not associated with them." I honestly still wouldn't have joined the business but I wanted to make him feel bad for ditching the company to the less capable. They hadn't driven the company to the ground but they'd lost some respect due to some of the choices they'd made. Like Hugo's affair.

Gramps opened his mouth to say something but promptly shut it when something from behind me caught his attention. His eyebrows raised in surprise and a complacent smile descended on his features.

I was about to turn around to see, when suddenly two arms were wrapping around my waist from behind, with one of the hands holding a Champaign glass. I stiffened up and was ready to punch whoever the fuck was behind me in the face, when everyone's favourite orgasmic voice played from the top of my head.

"Finally, I found you. I've been looking for you everywhere."

Almost instantly, my posture relaxed and I melted back into his chest. Something about his embraces was extremely comforting and you couldn't help but fall deeper into it. That being said, my hands were still awkwardly hovering in front of me (with the empty whiskey glass) and I had no clue where to place it, so I just kept it there. I tilted my head back to look at his jawline.

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